There’s a reason why 16 is not the age of consent in the US, though. I work with high school kids and they are absolutely not adults. Even the ones who are very mature in some ways are still very immature in others.
There’s a reason why 16 is not the age of consent in the US, though. I work with high school kids and they are absolutely not adults. Even the ones who are very mature in some ways are still very immature in others.
Slightly off-topic, but the Lolita thing is one of my biggest literary pet peeves. You can’t convince me that anyone who’s directed and/or produced the movie versions actually read and/or understood the novel which treats Humbert with the contempt he deserves.
So what if they’re outliers? They exist. If you’re making an argument that sex is binary but then dismiss data (and the real people they represent) out of hand because it doesn’t support your position, that’s bad science.
I mean, gay people are people, so they can be just as bigoted as anyone else.
What about intersex people or those with atypical sex chromosomes (e.g. XXY)? Even biological sex isn’t binary. Scientifically speaking, Rowling and the TERFs are wrong.
Any responsible early childhood education teacher, elementary school teacher, children’s librarian, and hopefully, family of young children.
The only times I had ever heard of blancmange was in Monty Python and Are You Being Served? so as a kid in the US, I wasn’t sure just what the hell it was until the internet grew up.
Yeah, I hope this follow up with a look at the sorts of porn that’s thriving on OnlyFans but got ignored by the major production studios.
We do have Kinder Surprises now, which is probably why the toys are now boring.
I discovered this when I was out of milk and I’ll never go back. Don’t even need butter with half & half, although you can still if you’re feeling self-indulgent (well, more self-indulgent).
Well, but also consider the brutal history of Japan and Korea. Plus, Korean-descended Japanese folks still deal with all kinds of discrimination in Japan. There are a bunch of reasons why I can absolutely understand why she and other Korean Americans would be pissed about this.
I didn’t read the original article, but I also wonder if Eugenie even said anything or if it’s just the British royal hangers-on and press on the royalty beat doing their usual anything-to-smear-Meghan thing.
If I cared about Eugenie, which I don’t, I could see being mad. For someone in her position (will almost certainly never see the throne or be in the immediate line of succession), this was her one big moment to be Royal with a capital R with the spotlight on her. Meghan being both Black and American probably just…
Whatever the outcome, I think that’s pretty much guaranteed at this point providing we’re still having elections and she survives both the pandemic and alt-right wingnuts.
I’m also surprised that Duckworth’s name hasn’t come up more often in these conversations. I’ve wondered if it’s because her youngest is still so little. (It shouldn’t matter, but practically speaking—and she strikes me as someone very practical—it does.)
It’s kind of amazing when you think about how many truly awesome freshmen reps we got last election.
This is literally the ONLY thing I am looking forward to in regards to this election.
She’s not my fave (not progressive enough), but she’s supremely competent and it’s been disappointing (but unsurprising) at the blatant misogynoir she’s been facing. She’s a solid choice and if nothing else, I love how much it’s going to piss off Trump and Pence. FSM, if there’s a VP debate (who knows because End Times…
If anyone here has one of the IP air fryer lids, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how effective it is and does it seem to be a better alternative (by whatever metric(s) you have) to getting a standalone air fryer.
Ha, I was just thinking that I hope the workers in tofu plants are treated better than those in meat processing plants (which is pretty f’ng awful and pretty damn close to slavery in some places with seized passports, forced company housing, crazy hours, and poor conditions) because it turns out Big Tofu is as bad as…