Lady Commentariat

I feel like that picture of baby Archie might finally shut up all the people who said Harry’s biodad wasn’t Charles. Archie looks very much like his father’s side of the family.

Also, women are socialized to not confront men with their pain because the man’s comfort is paramount.

But how much of that might be 1) cost of doing business in that area (i.e. high rents, etc.) 2) how much big agribusiness that’s exploiting both government subsidies and labor (i.e. temporary worker visas and/or straight-up trafficking) are falsely deflating the true cost of the pork chop? In the big cities at nicer

Right? I hope this is just a money grab because Lizzo is like one of the only reliable things that can get me out of bed and this makes me sad. The curse of 2016 (of which we are three years into) continues where we cannot have nice things. Guess I’m going back to waking up to Sisters of Mercy. (If I’m going to feel

I’ve left or lost men because I literally cannot sleep with someone else in the bed unless I’m under the influence of something powerful. Or rather, maybe I should say that since my brain won’t let me sleep alone, having a third person in the bed makes it even more impossible to easily fall and stay asleep. I’ve

I hate loud restaurants myself, but it’s gotten almost impossible to find a place to take my parents out. I feel like there must be a market for a non-echo-chamber bar and restaurant. I get that some people enjoy the audio overload, but some of us don’t.

Is the one in downtown SF still kicking around? A quick search says yes, and you can even order online. Not sure what Herb Caen would make of that, but times change and FSM knows San Francisco is almost beyond recognition from the city of my youth.

I did one of these with my parents and it was wonderful! And when you do the obligatory safety drill, they do tell you that should the worst happen and the boat sinks, just get up to the top deck because in many places, the boat is taller than the river is deep. (At least for the particular route we were on, which was

I’m from the west coast originally and non-ironically, I think Polar might be the best thing about living in New England. (If autumn lasted for three months weather-wise instead of the 4–6 weeks it’s been during my residency, it would win out. I also don’t have a Wegman’s.) I have yet to find a finer grapefruit

I’m sure Jamil will appreciate having a few less potential pants-shitters the world.

But academic dishonestly threatens the scholarly reputation of a school. Some of our finest scholars are sexual predators, so... /s

Especially because it is probably far, far easier to get a vasectomy reversed than get an abortion, which in some places, is becoming almost impossible unless you have or can get your hands on lots of money. ...And given what’s on the SCOTUS docket this season, the amount of money will need to scale up for

I came here to say that I love Ed because she is the rare teen girl who is not sexualized. Her outfit is fine imo because her body is never shown in the male-gazy way that Faye’s* is—there aren’t any lingering shots on her butt or her chest. Her chest is flat. She’s allowed to express herself with big physical

It’s a perfect example of what happens when you don’t have or have and don’t listen to a diverse design team. Any woman or visible member of another oft-harassed group would have raised red flags on this.

SAME. I have been craving buffalo wings something awful lately, but not wanting to indulge for a few reasons and this sounds like a perfect compromise.

Soaking in salted water is a genius idea. Thank you for sharing—I will try this as well!

My hope is that he’s so bothered by how they wrapped it up, it will give him some generative motivation to continue to write the thing.

I can’t stand ‘em. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This makes me think the first time I met someone who ate the apple core. They said much the same thing (yeah, it’s a different texture, but it’s fine).

They had me at Dev Patel, but the rest of the cast? I am more excited about this than I would have thought.