Haha, that was for my sister, whose favorite movie is Aristocats. We colored them to look like Don and Betty (we'd only seen the first season at the time).
Haha, that was for my sister, whose favorite movie is Aristocats. We colored them to look like Don and Betty (we'd only seen the first season at the time).
Why, thank you! Not to brag, but it's probably because our special effects are so advanced.
Aww, shucks! I'll have to show your comment to my roommate in order to convince her that we should revive our dream of making lots of videos with miniature cats!
BEEN THERE, DONE THAT (though not as beautifully). When we were bored in the dorms as freshmen, my roommate and I recreated the Mad Men sequence using cats. It's not quite as impressive as this, but we did complete in less than an hour on a budget of $0. I just uploaded it to YouTube so I can share it with you because…
Ahhh, but without the awful childporn potential, SnapChat would be so fun for kids! Most of the stuff my friends and I do on there (e.g. taking pictures of the folds of our knees so that they look like butts or taking pictures of each other and drawing spiders/strange outfits/penises on them) are very much suited to…
They're super cute! Have you tried them on, though? Not to be a downer, but as someone who is frequently disappointed at the comfortableness of shoes she orders online, I'm fretting about how thin the sole looks. But they're gorgeous and may very well be extremely comfortable!
Remember when he climbed up on that tire when he was being Julius Pepperwood? Daaaayummm.
I had to look up DIAF, but before I did so my best guess was "Divorce In A Flash."
What about Knorth? That way they can keep the K and the awful namepun!
You're too kind! I'm not sure I deserve to come out of the grays, though, seeing as I used "inserted" where there was a glorious opportunity to use "plunged."
My boyfriend calls me Grrrcat, which is a variation of Graycat, which is a play on my actual name that my first college roommate made up because we did ridiculous things all the time like give each other cat-themed nicknames (hers was Meowison). And sometimes he calls me Kitten, which I like a lot. I call him "you…
You are most welcome! Thank you for being so thoughtful and eager to help!
Okay, it appears that right now only Goodwill and The Salvation Army are taking donations of clothing, as most of the community's current efforts are focused on stocking community shelters with food, water, pillows, blankets, and toiletries. I talked to some coordinators at Journey Church (which is housing a bunch of…
I do agree that it's inexcusable that these fairly new-ish schools weren't built with any reenforced areas to harbor students in the case of situations like this. But I think it's important to help get all of these people back on their feet so that they can choose to continue their lives in Moore or to find new jobs…
Also, if you feel comfortable with this, I can give you my address and you can send the box to me and I'll take it to The Salvation Army or Norman High, which is doing a clothing drive/benefit concert thing, or my friend's church, St. Stephen's, which is letting displaced people stay in its building. But no worries if…
You're most welcome! Apparently all of the Red Cross orientations are full now, but if either of us finds out about other ways to help, we should let the other know!