I appreciate all the good words for this guy, but really, him doing his is not necessarily attributable to characteristics he may have due to autism. It’s because, in most ways, people with autism are like anyone else.
I appreciate all the good words for this guy, but really, him doing his is not necessarily attributable to characteristics he may have due to autism. It’s because, in most ways, people with autism are like anyone else.
Famous autistic person Temple Grandin is of the opinion that autistic kids having meltdowns in public are a product of inadequate discipline - not setting clear limits. Personally I have no idea what's going on, but kids melting down like that in public always confuse me, since I was an extremely well behaved autistic…
If you do try to hug a goat, drop into a squat, or down to one knee, with your arms held in front of you in "come give me a hug" position. That way, if the goat decides to ram his head into yours, your arms will deflect much of the force. Do not bend over or lean forward, or the goat will definitely ram you, or…
Him: "I unzip my jeans, revealing my tulgey wood."
Does Ford's dick pendant have a tortured Jewish guy spiked to it? No? Well then, Catholics shouldn't give two hoots about it. Leave the overreactions about naughty versions of the spare, sterile, abstract cross-as-symbol to the Protestants, and keep your anti-desecration lookouts focused on protecting the visceral…
Is she being offered a sex tape opportunity because she's a large woman, or because she's the poster child for horrible parenting? She's been kept in the public eye for the latter, so it's hard to see this sex tape things being anyting but an extension of that, and a bid for "disaster tourist" dollars. And THAT is…
The teen who loves Tumblr? Does that mean I've successfully become a teen again? I always knew if I watched enough cartoons I could make it happen! ACHIEVEMENT: UNLOCKED.
I take unholy glee in the fact that in this case, unlike Nipplegate, or the fear that seeing two mustaches touch during a kiss will shatter the psyche of any child, forever, there really is a good reason for the privileged majority to fear explaining this to their children. After all, little Braden might listen…
first of all, I am a rape victim so anyone who wants to call me an MRA can fuck off.
People clicked on a link labelled "Best Crotch Shots" and are then surprised that it's NSFW...it's a strange world we live in. ;)
Penises are weird.
Um. Sorry.
I am beyond sick and tired of hearing SAHMs complain about their long resume of "chef, maid, chauffeur and bookkeeper all rolled into one!"
It's funny, because I want Wendy Williams to just shut up in general.
I think the easiest way to deal with this job is to imagine every one of those fuckers crying incessantly at a restaurant.
I wonder how many of those dudes advising women to never take nude photos of themselves would call their girlfriend a prude bitch if they requested nude photos of her and she said no.
The KKK wishes they could reach the same level of evil as the Catholic Church. The church has done more to harm people of color than the KKK has even dreamed of.
Getting it hard as in, people being too dense to get the satire and getting all of these ridiculous reactions?
I am fighting to change it. One of the ways I'm doing so is by encouraging vandalism like this, in an effort to reduce the financial incentive of asshole plastic surgeons to pay for preposterous and insulting advertising like this. Don't like it? Go out and stop every vandal you see.