
Why get this weird persecution complex when like, 99.9% of humans agree with you? Go anywhere, and there's someone that shares that thought! I don't think Jezebel is oppressing you or something, come on.

I keep sitting here like, 'why though. Why is this happening. Why are they on a boat, with a cart? WHY?'

Well, yeah, but I don't have an excuse to buy pretty dresses for Renaissance Faire...

Can we just set up a village and wear pretty dresses every day and it won't even be a big deal?

Nah man, they would NOT have allowed themselves to start smelling bad. As far as the Tudor era was concerned, disease came from bad smells. They washed, just not in a full tub, except maybe once a year. And really, it wasn't the worst fashion had to offer. They couldn't really tightlace yet, so at their organs were

"The issue was just whether religious institutions should pay for birth control in health insurance policies. It's like forcing synagogues to buy pork lunches for their non-jewish employees."


Then again, some of the reason for this is because of the 'fake' geek girls. If they weren't running around doing their 'teehe, I fit in now, right?', then nobody would assume that all girls are fake.