
Nope, not preggo, I've been like this my whole life :D

Came here to post exactly this. Just don't go. I'd rather pay a bit more & not have to literally FIGHT strangers for limited quantity items and then be WEDGED in a crowd of sweaty, morbidly obese Walmart shoppers for hours in line. Not worth it.

Bah! I forgot about that. Yes, I love the smell of sulphur. The town I'm from in Wisconsin has natural sulphur springs & the smell always reminds me of my childhood :D

Yes, smell is VERY subjective. I have a super-sensitive nose, I can smell things that most people can't & have very strange smell-tolerances. Certain odors that most people like, like flowery perfumes, just send me running in the other direction. But other odors that most people would retch from- like road tar,

"Nonhuman animals cannot be persons because they are not, even in principle, the sorts of beings able to engage in the mutual recognition of equal moral worth and dignity,"

God, this sicks me out so bad. I have a couple of preggos on my friend list on facebook & it's still too early to predict if they're gonna go the batshit crazy placenta-eating route, but if they do they'll be deleted with gusto.

I think it's just because it's so commonplace & "accepted" in society, if that makes any sense. Most parents don't even give any thought to it, they just do it because htey think its what they're supposed to do with a little boy.

Most pro-choice people are against circumcision as well, even if the subject doesn't always come up. I know I am, even though I'm female. I think it's barbaric & primitive.

Yeah I've been close to that point a few times now, but I can't find anything else I like that actually works right, and I've spent too much $ on GO themes to feel good about abandoning it :/

Or Apple could have just been big boys & girls & minded their own business(maybe worked on actually innovating instead of rehashing the same thing over & over again) instead of accusing everyone of copying their VERY common, vanilla designs. They never HAD to sue anyone to begin with.

I feel the same way. I bought two iPods & a Mighty Mouse in the mid-2000s before all their sheisty business practices began making the news, and I really wish I could get my money back now. It really eats at me that this hypocritical bully of a company has about 600 of my dollars.

Been using GOsms for a year or so now & I really like it. Very reliable, lots of neat themes, etc. The only drawback is that the themes are around $2 each and sometimes the GO people can get kinda spammy. They did this thing for a while where they actually sent you texts nagging you to try their other apps. That

Wow, my guess was spot-on then xD

Word.Even as a customer now it still pisses me off to no end. Just when I figure out where everything is, some asshat manager decides to "freshen up" the damn store. Aaargh! The people who bitch out the employees about stuff like that have probably never worked retail & must not shop in the same stores very often if

I believe that. I have an excellent immune system, colds & flus that knock most people out for 2 weeks are outta my system within 2 to 4 days. It makes me wonder how many cancers I've had that I never even knew about.

I don't remember exactly, I was much younger. But I saw the mole & it had every characteristic of a classic melanoma. Large, irregular edges, fast growing, etc.

What's the definition of a muldoon? Cause it sounds pretty damn funny.

Agreed. I was a 3rd shift stocker too a few years ago & that's the only time they'd possibly be able to get away with shit like this.