
The ONLY thing the Kindle has going for it is the price entry point. Otherwise, it is outclassed by products like the iPad.

Or maybe we wouldn't pirate music if it wasn't so expensive & artists weren't so GD overpaid. I'll pay for an album by an independent musician from my hometown, but you better believe I'm gonna download that 50 cent album. Actually I'm not, because rap music is terrible, but you get my drift. I don't feel bad about

I remember those days. We got cable in 1993 when I was 12 & they played around 85% music. Oh, the good old days.

I guess some people can find happiness in slavery...

If someone is too stupid to read labels, they deserve to be deceived. And they ARE getting something of similar functionality & quality, what is that even supposed to mean? Samsung tablets are garbage compared to apple? I don't think so. Samsung doesn't deserve to be sued because stupid people might buy the wrong

I'm so glad I don't base all my decisions on what other people think of me. You should try it sometime, it's incredibly liberating!

Funny, the article itself says Apple was supposed to apologize.

Funny, but more like "truths that piss off apple users", lol.

I wasn't trying to refute it, I'm just saying it's a really stupid thing to try to attack Android over. The OP was insinuating that carrier branding is an Android-specific thing when its clearly not.

I don't mean to sound rude and I'm really not trying to take a jab at you, but just because you and some others are ignorant of Samsung products doesn't mean they copied Apple. Companies shouldn't have to make triangular devices just because some people are too unobservant to tell an Apple product from any other

That wasn't an apology, that was a bitter, pouty, immature diatribe from Regina George after she's forced to apologize in front of the whole school to every girl she personally victimized. This is basically a long-winded "I'm sorry you feel that way" & if I were that judge, I'd call them up & tell them they better put

Mine wasn't too bad, it just hurt my feelings & pissed me off. I was dating this guy back in 06 who I was pretty smitten with. I had my suspicions that he was seeing another girl but had no proof other than him being mysteriously unreachable at certain times of the night along with a Chili's receipt that I had found

Samsung parts are in almost every electronic device out there, you dink.

My AT&T Note with a giant AT&T logo under the earpiece would beg to differ.

We're not all like that. The people who called you names for that are assholes. I personally could care less what anyone uses, if you like iOS, great. If you like Windows Phone, great. If you like Android like I do, great. If you enjoy your flip phone from 2003, great(I particularly enjoy using my still-connected

And if you're stupid enough to make dumbass ignorant comment like this, you deserve to get pelted with light bulbs.

Wow, I think this is one of the farthest stretches to bash Android that I've ever seen. Really??? Literally every manufacturer does this(besides Apple, whose ass the carriers kiss), not just the ones who make Android phones.

I made something like this out of polymer clay & a plastic plug for the AUX jack in my car since I use bluetooth for music. It's a little Jake face(as in Adventure Time). It's silly & cute & I get a ton of compliments.

That may just be a Lumia thing, cause on my Galaxy Note this doesn't happen.

Except that nobody "cloned" anything. Apple's just grasping at straws, trying to stifle competition and the whole "look & feel" nonsense is just that- nonsense. You can't patent a "look & feel" or else TV manufacturers would be well within their rights to be suing each other into oblivion over black bezels and wall