
Google Rewards sends a couple of surveys each week — after answering you get anywhere from .10 to .74 cents. Adds up after a bit and I it use to purchase apps... and the rarely a box of clams for Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff. But otherwise, actually spending money on that stuff? Yeah, fuck that.

Well, for a short while after purchasing...

“Oh, yeah... Oooh, ahhh, that’s how it always starts. Then then later there’s running and um, screaming.”


Plus you get xp when they kill mobs. Oh well, currently working on suiting up all my settlers in pilot gear.

Ha, I found out the hard way. “Ooh full suit, let’s go all 20,000 leagues under the sea.” ... followed shortly by “Oh shit... glub.. glub...” .. Loading, please wait.

You called?

Negative, ghostrider.

That looks great but nothing is ever going to pry me out of my WW2 livery X-01 (rusty variant shown) :p

I touched GTA Online once... and the required decontamination procedure needed afterwards pretty much precludes me from EVER doing it again.

“I cook. You clean. It puts the dishes in the dishwasher or else it gets hosed...with 12-guage.”

Yeah but on the flip-side, actor David Capaldi is only 57. That’s a particularly rough looking 57.

Uhm, same thing happens with Asian women...

I liked boobs when the game launched... I like them now.

Starting with Star Wars 1313 please!

Rolling through the Commonwealth in my X-01 sporting WW2 warplane motif. Love it.

Still have to deal with lemon stealing whores.

Here is a shot of Sony’s external processor that will need to be plugged into the console. Oculus may be asking a high price because they are ‘first to market’ and people will pay a premium for ‘bleeding edge’.