
Sony knows the PS4 isn’t powerful enough — that’s why the Playstation VR comes with a separate unit (processing power & battery — roughly the size of Wii console) that plugs between the headset and the PS4.

Snipe their right arm and mini nuke go BOOM.

As a Californian...

SONY - LONG LIVE PLAY 4 years old and still enough feels to be outlawed in several states :p “And You!”

Hmm... the upward facing triangle uses 3 purple dots (one at each angle; however, the downward facing triangle only uses 1 purple dot. OMG ILLUMINATI !

Game was free via PS+ for one month (there is no monthly game fee). PS4 players who discovered this gem after that free month have to buy it at $20. Also, PC players have to buy the title.

Yeah just came out mid-December. Giant ice rink & puck. Crazy mad fun.

+1 for Phil Noto’s work.

The Last Guardian was announced during the Sony E3 2015 press conference... that seemed like a pretty damn big surprise.

Hideo Kojima produced by Mr and Mrs Kojima.

And it only took a few tries for lesi20 to nail it.

I’m not putting my lips on that.


Has anyone put that booster mine on a body in the water? Would the body just motorboat (heh) across the water?

Rise of the Tomb Raider release dates:

I’m only buying this used when it hits PS4 — no way I am rewarding the devs by picking this up from a new retailer. My money will go to a brick-and-mortar shop.

6 month delay on PC and 1 year delay on PS4... that sucks and blows at the same time >.<

True but 2 times zero is still zero. Dammit.

Cheers, mate. I’m in a similar situation but my wife is a ‘casual’ gamer. About every year and a half or so I get the green light to ‘pimp my rig’ and I roll my current gear down to her pc. It exceeds her needs and keeps me up-to-date. Win-win!

Cheers, mate. I’m in a similar situation but my wife is a ‘casual’ gamer. About every year and a half or so I get