
The NPC stuck on the car nailed his 8 seconds!

The important part: Shay was an Assassin who noped out over the leadership decisions and joined the Templars.

Starfleet logo you say...

I love the franchise but AC III is meh — I pulled the ejection handle at about 50%. All the other titles are slick. Just finished Rogue on my PC and just started Unity on my PS4. Good times!

Ahh, yes... show us stuff we want that never materializes. [WAITING INTENSIFIES]

That’s the point of Batman ... the ‘every-man’ hero. Not from another planet, not the result of genetic mutation. Hard work, blood, sweat, and tears. Plus money. Billions and billions of money :p

Well not with that attitude :p

Daedric shrine of Azura in Cities:Skyline? I’m sold ! Thank you modders.

I feel a little better based on the few seconds of screen time. Upgrading my stance from “worried” to almost “cautiously optimistic” :p

I don’t even get the whole ‘batman vs superman’ thing — maybe when they first met there was some distrust but hell, Superman eventually gives Batman a kryptonite ring “just in case” he ever needs to be stopped. They may not verbalize it (MEN AND THEIR FEELINGS) but each of them have said they consider the other one to

Horrible phone video capture of this trailer — Spanish subtitles obscured part of the video and at least 35% of the vid was out of focus. Hideous but it was all we had... until this landed :p

Not so much a monopoly as it is an oligopoly. And yes, it stinks. I get 4 Mpbs down in San Diego... that equates to 1 GB per HOUR. Sadly, not every provider in San Diego has access to every neighborhood. AT&T would gladly give me faster download speeds if I paid more money — currently paying $135 per month

And subsets of cities... despite having 3-4 “big name ISPs” here, only AT&T U-verse handles my neighborhood in San Diego >_<

Disk #00001 of 44,198.

San Diego checking in... AT&T U-Verse (phone/internet/tv) $135 per month (on special, down from $172). 4 Mbps down = 1 GB per hour. 3 GB movie? yeah, ready for viewing in 3 hours. GTA V wont take me a year but the 60 HOURS of waiting is sure going to feel like it >_<

On the one hand: great googly moogly!! I have mad love for Star Wars.

lmfao... I LOVE my nissan juke. Good call on the analogy.

Something about that first pic makes it look like a computer for ants.