
I completely understand how physics is hard to advertise, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. Maybe it's just me, but I'm getting a bit tired of these comparison videos when they could be showing off other aspects of the game instead. Other aspects that would take much less effort. Don't get me wrong, the comparison

I've heard a mixed bag of stories on it, but overall that the physics are good. I think complaints are more for newer cars whose physics are still being worked on. It's hard to tell though since they're basically in a closed beta for backers only.

It's definitely responsive without issue, otherwise you wouldn't be one of the few people who complain about it. I'm not sure what you mean about the animations, as they're very fluid, just slow as I mentioned before. Again, this isn't a hack and slash game and it's meant to be methodically strategic and not mindless

The controls are actually fairly precise. I'd chalk it up to you being more used to other more fast paced action RPGs. Dark Souls is more of a strategy RPG than those, requiring you to plan out attacks and reading your enemy. It's purposely slow combat animations are to slow the game down so strategy is actually

And I'd argue that the vastly increased population of Android devices over iOS ones would easily negate piracy issues, if they existed for your app.

No, it's because Android devices have no real standard hardware shared across them that makes development difficult as well as the providers tweaked and bloated software. iOS gets more simply because it's easy to develop software for a platform that you know 100% of the hardware for, much like consoles. Android having

You're absolutely right in this. Except the way this comes off with this director on top of his desire to use an all female cast (it's not that I'm against it, it's about how obvious that it's a marketing ploy and nothing more) leads me to believe this will not be good in any way. I hope I'm wrong, but nothing so far

I'm aware they wouldn't be using characters similar to the original, but it's likely that one character would very much resemble Bill Murray's because he's what made the movie so legendary.

Just because someone thinks an all female cast should be justified in a movie doesn't mean they're making it political. No one's saying that it shouldn't be made, just that an all female cast shouldn't be privileged in not questioning the intent of using an all female cast.

If the characters are anything like the original ones, then I'm sorry but Kristen Wiig could not carry the comedic weight the way Bill Murray did.

Do you really think a movie made decades after the original movies isn't using the original name and concept purely for marketing purposes?

That's what I find ridiculous about this whole thing. People will complain for either side about an all female cast, but no one brings up the fact that this is yet another lazy reboot using the original name purely for marketing purposes.

The problem with what you suggest in your second point is that athletes don't have that option. And yes, it is about money, for various reasons though that shouldn't be overlooked just because it can be defined as jealousy in a way. For one, athletes typically put their careers on the line in order to participate in

Apologies for misunderstanding the program they're suggesting, as I read the article rather quickly and assumed it was more to do with older games.

If your complaint is $60 a year to play their games, I don't see how that's not the best deal for video games ever. If you mean $60 on top of what you pay, then you're taking this out of context of what the service offers - old games on new systems for affordable prices. To get to the level you're talking about would

So you're trying to say that if Sony were to allow EA to do this on their system, it would eventually lead to EA requiring sub fees for their games? That's pretty damn ridiculous considering what this service actually provides.

I think part of the problem is that while it has some quality games, it doesn't have that expansive of a library considering how long it's been out. Especially when it comes to third party games. That's extremely concerning when you consider that most triple-A games aim to be on practically every platform available.

While I don't disagree, that the arcade-y racers do have their place, my concern is their lack of depth making them not worth their initial sale price. I can still get in GT6, AC, or Game Stock Car, that I've owned for over 6 months of either, and still find plenty of fun in them. Arcade-y racers that have driving

Compared to the rest of the tournament yes, the finals were terrible. Most of the games leading up to it being so good more than make up for that imo.

I think the main thing people should realize is your first point. Newbee not only played fewer games, therein saving their more secretive draft line-ups, but also didn't play for 2 whole days while the other teams battled it out in the lower bracket. Giving them time to watch every team thoroughly and be able to point