
Let me be clear, there’s a lot, a -LOT- that needed updating if Capcom ever wanted Mon Hun to be something outside of a small group of diehards and World has taken care of a lot of that, while making subtle changes to things that if changed too much would lose the soul of the game. World is fantastic and has helped to

I’ve long been a critic of a lot of Monster Hunters design decisions. I’ve often felt it was cumbersome and punishing in the wrong ways.

Rent it first, set aside a week or two, bookmark the Monster Hunter subreddit and don’t be scared to ask questions there. If after all of that you still don’t like it, then you’ve dodged a bullet. That’s the only real advice I can offer, there are folks who say they love Demon/Dark Souls, beat the pants off of all

Monster Hunter has had a ‘easy mode’ for years. It’s called Low Rank.

I too was nearly turned off by hearing about the grind. I hate games like Destiny, even BF1 for this very reason.

MHW is just different. When the “grinding” consists of epic, varied battles with giant monsters that you can approach in a thousand different ways, it just doesn’t feel like grinding. All of the crafting

“I prefer conversation with people so I can be a snarky dick to every single person that talks to me.”

I can totally sympathize. It is amazing the amount of kids that pay zero attention to the actual course content or they poke, prod, and misrepresent until they provoke a response and then they’ll immediately cry victim.

Show me a man who would prefer sex with a doll over sex with a real woman, and I will show you...

I see that the Makankōsappō received a substancial upgrade, too ;)

‘meatspace’ lol. Thank you for sharing that website though. I was interested in purcahsing the game but wasn’t sure if it was my cup of tea.

Lol forget the audience, an entire country’s been wiped off the map

Goddamn I love the engine for this game, everything looks like it’s straight out of the anime

I’m actually a tad bit interested in the original cyber sleuth due to it being on sale on PSN and always being in the market for turn based JRPG, but I don’t have any connection to Digimon (never really experienced any of the media, and Pokemon was pretty much my thing) and the decentish reviews aren’t really swaying

Honestly, I hope Disney looks at this deal with EA and realizes it needs to develop games in house. Maybe revive LucasArts instead of licensing it out. At least then they might have a bit more control (or foresight) when creating games for the Star Wars canon. EA doesn’t care about the actual product, but Disney does.

Swatting really should be a federal crime considering how dangerous it is, especially when relatively harmless things like tax evasion fall under that category.

Agreed. People seem to forget that cops are human and as such, they have the same emotions and instincts as everyone else. If they’re put in a situation with a potential shooter, their survival instinct is going to go into overdrive and that means doing whatever it takes to avoid getting killed. That’s why these calls

Cop seems to be the murder weapon here to me. Swatter’s absolutely a murderer.

Without wasting my breath telling you what everyone else has already clearly and thoroughly explained, I will instead just say this:

Well, that’s good for you, and I’m happy you’re able to be such an ignorant little shit, but I don’t expect sunshine and roses when I call and say somebody is holding a family hostage and has already gunned someone down.

Now fuck off and shut up. Goddamn fourteen year olds on the internet, I swear.

Fucking St Louis right?