Right? Here's a crappy box around your name HAVE FUN
Right? Here's a crappy box around your name HAVE FUN
Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.
While all of the information above is accurate, it's basically only useful for spotting people who are either uncomfortable with a weapon or who are carrying it improperly. Most quality holsters that are designed to be concealed are very difficult to spot, and the people using them are used to carrying, and won't…
Vote: Ryanair
And once enough people do this, these free items will no longer be free.
If you are unable to tell which tomatoes are ripe or if that lettuce is fresh, the United States Department of…
I happened to be in a hotel right by last year's Baltimore Bronycon so there were Bronycon participants flooding all of the nearby shopping/eating spots. I cringed when I realized this because I expected it to make for lots of unpleasant experiences.
I was at Bronycon as well this year, and I too felt a wee bit out of place. My 10-yr-old daughter is massively into MLP and saved up for TWO YEARS to go.*
I was dragged to a Brony con several months ago by a friend from High School who was taking his son. I've seen the show and liked it well enough, but mostly I went to the con out of morbid curiosity.
As one of the top-level staff of a large annual fan-run convention with attendance figures in the very low five figures, I've got a decent idea of what it takes to put on a convention, even if it's a miniature one. Especially because our annual halloween party is basically a one-day mini-convention for hundreds rather…
I want to commend Kotaku for running this coverage of Bronycon, just as they would PAX or E3. Pony culture generates games, and it is a subset of gaming culture now. This coverage is appropriate, and right to do.
Grown men associating with things for little girls raises suspicion. Rightfully so imo
Not being a fan boy here but Sony did the whole DVR thing 10 years before Microsoft.
I can't help but notice the old (and slightly creepy looking) horse doesn't have teeth. Mayhaps that's because they are HAMMERING NAILS WITH THEM?! That just looks painful.
It's an exercise in futility to search for any given subject in deviantart, or to accompany the subject with the word "fanart" in the search bar, without seeing MLP renditions of them.
Fun game: Log into Deviant Art and search "[Your name] the Hedgehog."
I see people go on about this, I have to wonder what their browsing habits are if they keep coming across pony pics. Kotaku is the only place I see that much pony art. Is this one of those 4-chan things?
So there is a very simple explanation why every other iteration of Windows is deemed "Bad".