
She's a Marth skin.

Lucina's just a skin for Marth. Still pretty bamf though.

That is true. If it's just with friends, voice chat should be fine.

If you're playing with them online it's likely you know them online. Get a voice chat program or something?

People being successful for doing shit doesn't make that shit inherently good.

Ah, sorry, I didn't realize that.

A huge Dota 2 competition is going on at the same time as EVO, the fighting game tournament thing.

The Punchline is Maschismo isn't really a "gag a day" comic, so it might not BE a joke, persay.

Because swearing is always funny #sarcasm

Each costume matches the color theme and clearly evokes the style of one of the Pokemon Contests, so we can presume that these are for Pokemon Contests and thus, in some way, usable by all pokemon. I'm excited for how it'll work, personally.

Remember, the Grand Reviera is happening soon. That's a calling of all the kings of the world to a single place. Luffy is friends with at least three large players for this.

The implication is that they're releasing it unfinished because...due dates. They'll finish it later.

This is a Dynasty Warrior game. PLaying as the villains is almost inevitable an occurance.

No, I get what you mean. What I'm saying is that this ISN'T the recorded dialogue. This is the placeholder shit they used to just test the game. They haven't recorded the audio yet. Not professionally at least.

It's an Alpha build.

Does this surprise anyone? Like...really? Did people actually think it was final? That's silly.

Oooh, nifty.

Yeah, in the first game her guns where called those as well. Bayonetta's are Scarborrogh Fair, and each gun is one of the four flowers mentioned in that.

They're glorious is what they are. Play as Waluigi in the Wii one, Strickers Charged. He does the crotch chop and has hillbilly music and stuff.

I did. I was under the impression it wasn't a trilogy and Actraiser was first. Since Actraiser has you actually make the world that you're in in Soul Blazer. Or maybe it's one of those "Demon Souls isn't connected to Dark Souls at all, except in all the ways that it is." situations.