La Sirena

“Brown, who claimed to be 19, allegedly struck up conversation with the teen on Instagram before paying for a $822 Uber ride to bring her from San Antonio to Louisiana, and then another Uber trip from Baton Rouge to his home in Apopka...”

I haven’t watched the show yet, but I highly recommend the book.  Lindy is one of all-time favorite Jezebel writers, I miss her.  The book was an excellent alternative to reading her here everyday.

My motto in life is “One up from the cheapest.” I want that to be my headstone. It’s a great way to choose a bottle of wine.

Google Lens can also identify flowers and animals.

sorry if i missed it but running for POTUS, not Punk.

I think the only way to solve this argument is for Fat Mike to release Rock Against Trump volumes 1 & 2 and include a song with his opinion of Beto.

I tend to agree with you, Marvinogravelballoonface (that is my kids’ and my favorite poem in the whole wide world, by the way - hoosfoss, snim, oliver bolliver butt). I was a teenager in Washington, D.C. in the early-mid nineties and my friend group was punk rockers, riot girls, and D.C. hardcore boys. The monk-like

O’Rourke wants to end the War on Drugs

This is like an episode of Gossip Girl tbh.

I knew Moore and he wouldn’t work out.

I feel like playing Oregon trail was a good counter-point to the saccharine sweetness- covered racism that was the Little House books. It was good to remember that these people led hard, often miserable lives and inflicted brutality on anyone who wasn’t exactly like them. I have never, ever, even once thought that

It took me a long time to realize that I liked Andy Dwyer, not Chris Pratt. Andy Dwyer was a lovable doof. Chris Pratt seems a huge dolt. 

I don’t have a way of checking, but I’ve almost certainly listened to at least as much myself-between the various McElroy products, haha. Insofar as one can make a lifestyle out of podcast consumption, I have done so, which is perhaps the thirstiest move of all.

It was my and my husband’s first apartment. We were broke, so all we could afford was a dubious first floor in-law that was at least close to the park and beach (as much as you can use the beach in San Francisco). Anyway, we nicknamed this apartment “the cave” because the only windows it had either looked into an

Does it have to be an apartment? Can we expand into rentals? Because we lived in a rental house from hell.

I just went today. It was pretty good, but I think Mr. Fries Man is better. Thanks for the recommendation, though!

An engineer I worked with had identical twins. He put a different color plastic bracelet on each of them prior to giving them a bath, so that he could later swear to them that they never got mixed up in the tub.

His statement is so many levels of dumb I can’t even.

“Why wouldn’t we pay [for them] to go to San Diego, drive across to Mexico and save the system tens of thousands of dollars?” said Republican state representative Norman Thurston of Provo, who sponsored the option. “If it can be done safely, we should be all over that.”

What the fuck am I going to flip through in airport terminals now? Are there any women’s print magazines left?