La Sirena

Somewhere, there’s a painting of her getting prettier.

And Finn is going to be the IT reboot (!!!) and has has been posting cute videos of him playing Nirvana and Bush on guitar.

in that picture, as in all of them, steve bannon looks like david lynch, but from the stranger things upside down.

Maybe they’ll pay Trump in cocaine and other assorted uppers.

Maybe they can air an “alternative facts” season?

Oklahoma, 74114

They should go meta and make everyone live with Puck like in the reality shows of yore.

Unless you’re in Canada (though, admittedly, I couldn’t get my fat ass off the ground like this if I tried)...

Going to get a lot of use out of this.


When my sister was a little kid she looked EXACTLY like my cousin at the same age. She would point to pics of my cousin and think they were her! Now they’re both adults and look different, but it was WEIRD.

Balloons are Having A Year!

it is known

Here your parents fall in love in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and watch them fall out of love in By the Sea.

It’s Donglover.

I also think almond milk can fuck right off. It tastes fine, but it provides a small fraction of the nutritional benefits of either dairy or soy milk, and in my opinion it’s a very wasteful way to use a very water-intensive crop. I was so pumped for it too since I’m lactose-intolerant but soy and I are still bff.

As part of a lengthy parole, they should make him wear an ankle bracelet that senses the presence of women in his vicinity and broadcasts a warning. “I’m a rapist! Run away! I’m a rapist! Run away!” Then it delivers a dose of date rape drugs to him and he passes out wherever he might be. He must also carry a pack of

You know what they should put in?