La Sirena

Shush your mouth, Tangerine Tango was awesome.

And so you shall!

I'm definitely not a Jonas fan, but I do have to say that was one of the most insightful and level-headed celebrity interviews I've read in a long time.

You'll be expected to do the mendin' and the cleanin' in return for your keep, but she'll be kind to ya

He's got a Tommy Wiseau thing going on, from a distance.

This was the first thing that sprang to my mind. Good book, but blatant teenage wish-fulfillment.

So happy you used Sabrina as the photo for the teen fulfilment. Salem for president.

Really? You wasted a page on this? I thought I was going to see something amazing. It's the optimist in me.

This isn't really a Thanksgiving horror story, but it is definitely a weird one.


On a kid they look adorable - on a grown man they look about as ridiculous as you can get. That is all.

"You literally made me so angry that my uterus started bleeding spontaneously. Thanks a lot dickhole."

"My name is Kaniss Everdeen." Harry looked around. "I am seventeen years old." He sighed. They looked at each other. He waited. I shrugged. He stood up. He hesitates. I sighed. Harry said nothing. I took a deep breath. I swallowed hard. He chickled. "Something is wrong." Harry blinked. He didn't answer. "I'm not

Please don't ever tell me anything terrible about Pharrell. I love everything about this man, from his ageless beauty, to his interestingly-spelled name, to his pretty pretty voice.

I think you probably had an orgasm it just wasn't the omigodfireworksheadspinningholyshit kind. I've had both.

This is where living five minutes away from an Ikea comes in handy. I am never lost, and it takes me like 10 minutes to walk through because I've already seen everything. Eyes on the prize.


Life imitates art?

penises are already a bit muffin shaped

I'm sorry, but this list is incorrect. TRENT SHOULD BE #1. End of competition.