La Sirena

This poorly translated Japanese cat costume website is what the Internet has been building to.

this seal is saying, "sucka, please."

I think that finding a photographer who has never photographed celebrities would be the harder task to accomplish in L.A. :) What next, hire a teen idol to photo bomb all the kid's photos?

What I've learned today: you can call yourself a "Celebrity Photographer" all you want... but you're still basically taking school photos to pay the bills.

how can there even be an acceptable compromise? you can't have a sometimes kid. Someone is going to be stuck with a decision they didn't want to make... either having a kid you never wanted, or being childless when you always wanted to be a father. It's not like Christina wants strawberry ice cream, Owen wants

Thank you! I am sick unto death of people saying she should compromise for him. Shonda has gone on record saying that will NEVER HAPPEN, and that Shonda herself is irritated that people think it should.

And by "work it out" do you mean "break up" because holy fuck there is no compromise there. Grey's has never shown the slightest softening of Christina's not wanting children and Owen clearly does, and now they are just punishing each other (and us the viewers) by staying together.

I still watch Grey's even though it hasn't been consistently good in years. I'm invested, blahblahblah, I know it's crap but whatever.

I am really bummed Sandra Oh is leaving, though I am sure it's past time. Yang has been the one character I always enjoyed seeing onscreen (probably because I see a lot of myself in

Thank you! I've been telling people for years that NYC water is the best since it is minimally processed and comes from the largest aquifer in the world. I miss it so much now that I'm in Europe and so much of its water has a ton of minerals and calcium. It's so bad in Denmark that you have to boil your water before

Put it in resin...make a resin block with the potato inside. I had a seahorse in a resin block when I was a wee one.

I'm pretty sure you can mummify a potato.

I'm don't usually fawn over celebrity dudes, but he has spectacular eyes (and knows how to use them).

NYC water should taste good, it's piped in from some seven giant reservoirs upstate. They once taste-tested it against bottled water (not a fancy brand, but still) and it won hands-down.

Yeah, hasn't Ray & Star done funny, tongue-in-cheek "art" stuff with the menu in the past? I'm not as outraged and offended as everyone here seems to be, because it's definitely a nod to the fact that this bar/restaurant is AT LACMA.

I grew up in NYC and when I went somewhere else for college I had a tough time adjusting to the drop in water quality.

NYC tap water is famously good. It's the reason their bagels and pizza crusts turn out so tasty.

I've had a few visitors wrinkle their nose when they see I don't have a Brita or other filter for my NYC water - but everyone here knows we have the best tap around!

Now playing

I refuse to read Tracie Egan Morrissey's articles because she is a rape apologist.. She has shown her true colors multiple times..

She wrote this about the Roman Polanski child rape in the past and then had the nerve to ban two of the many readers who gave her shit for blaming the 13 year old victim..

Selena Gomez wasn't available, so the character was cut.