Valeria Inéz

Lord Isdick is like a cockroach (or a cock-a-mouse) and will never go away.

I have terrible social anxiety, so I’ve volunteered to come up with activities for the kids to do when they have been invited to weddings I’m attending. We had a separate activity area away from the banquet hall where we had games, books, and (my best idea) a coloring station where the kids were encouraged to draw

I feel swindled by the Pregnant Goddess image I was sold by a few smug moms.

My dog, Dweezil, and that Ewok from Star Wars.

Looks like my new baby!

The cat plus the Golden Girls box set draws a very clear picture of your life, Bobby

I am altering the contents of the litter box, pray I don't alter them any further

Ah man... I publicly called this as shade. Sadly, I have much to learn.

I can usually tell by looking at the totebags my students carry to tell what is the hot label for the upwardly-aspirational. Coach, Michael Kors, Tory Burch . . . all those big honkin’ logos have seen their heyday in the halls of my school.

Ugh, that is currently happening to Kate Spade here due to the new Kate Spade outlet. I’m not rich or anything, I just don’t want to carry the same damn bag as everyone else. RIP Kate Spade.

I’m wondering what damage Sarah Palin’s family carrying Vuitton luggage around did to their stock prices.

Michael Kors is the pumpkin spice latte of the fashion world - it’s for basic bitches.

You should be happy to know that you were successful. At least one old DID NOT UNDERSTAND A WORD. (except for the connectors)

It’s the fucking worst, I work in the hospitality industry in this area so I get to see these self entitled little pricks be awful little monsters to servers, hosts, bussers etc., all while their parents swill down way overpriced drinks by the dozens I can’t wait for one of them to knock on my door in a few months and

brb penning a pilot for a show abt a frat facing rico charges

The really sad part is, I can’t tell if you’re talking about the university or the fraternity. Everything you said could apply to both.

More like GoFund(amentalism)Me... sigh

It is fascinating, the myriad things women do to efface themselves. I've had to tone my personality way down sometimes because I don't want to come off too flirty (which I'm not — flirting, that is) or enthusiastic. That opens you up to way too much scrutiny.

Willow would have been 13. It's medically possible, but if I were looking at the other children, I'd believe Track had knocked up a girlfriend who was willing to hand over custody and take money in exchange for silence before I believed the Palins had managed to completely conceal a pregnancy in a barely pubescent