Is it weird that my first thought was wardrobe malfunction with a trouser snake cameo?
Is it weird that my first thought was wardrobe malfunction with a trouser snake cameo?
His reasoning is "because God" ?Lol, no dude. I tried it, decided it was bullshit, my kid is perfectly fine. It was more important for him to have a healthy, sane mom than for me to try to force myself.
I can’t help but think Lauer was a Trump request. He’s had a relationship with NBC, and his team knows he couldn't hang with a real journalist, so I'm sure they made Lauer a condition...
The more I get right the more I’m faced with the soul-shaking reality that I may just be downright shady as fuck. As an often awkward introvert it’s weird to feel sorry for people on the receiving end of my nonsense. There’s really no need, and I apparently know better...
Yes, but the BIGGEST assholes are middle school girls. I’ve taught from Pre-K to college and my worst time was at an all girls public school. I quit after a few months. I only recently stopped having nightmares I’m still there. It was 8 years ago!
I think I’ve figured out why: he feeds off approval so much he says whatever he thinks the people in the room want to hear the most, in the manner he thinks will either disarm them or rile them up most effectively. It’s why even people who don’t like him admit he can be charming one on one.
Is it weird that I’m more worried about EPN screwing up this opportunity and allowing Trump to reap some sort of reward??
Nice. Still one of my Top 5 Love Scenes of all time.
And is it just me, or doesn’t it seem like Trump himself is actually AFRAID of African Americans, in general? The locations he avoids, coupled with the invitations he’s declined, make it seem like he’s as scared as his fellow white elderly folks who make up his core constituency. Sad!
Yes. Because I can't help it if I have a heavy flow. Ultra Strong 4 Life!
My husband has 6 sisters and swears this is what’s up. If a boy looks like a girl, the girls will love him. His favorite example is Hanson (who he thought was all girls for an embarrassingly long time...).
Do we not have something like a Trusted Traveler program for foreign nationals? At the very least we could charge the international elite beaucoup bucks to be vetted and avoid these frequent incidents...
I’m glad you do because I’m an old and didn’t and this just blew my mind. Sometimes (not drunk or high, promise) I ponder how physics is involved in how we look and what we think we look like (in the mirror) is so different from what people see.
Is it on her right hand? What does it all mean?!
Should Scalia’s #StayMadAbby be changed to something else now? #SitDownAbby or #ByeAbby ? I’m sure you guys can come up with better ones.
One guy seriously employed the rom com defense: it’s in the movies so it must not be that bad.
OMG you should have seen the responses on the ABC site when I suggested maybe unaccompanied minors should be sat away from men travelling alone. My favorite was “how was he supposed to know she was only 16?” More than one person said airlines shouldn’t be inconvenienced because there are so few [reported] incidents.…
My husband REFUSED to sleep train our first. We tried it once, he gave in after 5 minutes. After that he would bring him to (our full size) bed, which would wake me up, and once I was up it was game over. I spent my first year as a full time lecturer on a few hours of sleep a night (first class at 7 am). My record was…
Whenever I read or hear the word “vibe(s),” I think “sex shop.” Every time.