
Ummmm...I think I have this same boot. They are one of my favorite pairs of boots I’ve ever owned and as a card carrying Old, I’ve had a lot of boots in my time. I still have them. We just moved and I’m not completely unpacked or I’d hop skip and grab a pic. May I offer my condolences on your loss because they are kick

Now playing

That photo’s not from the interview. Here’s the interview.

“she is absolutely rocking this cute down-to-business bob”

100%. A terrific gag on the last season of Broad City, with one of the characters doing a fab montage of being all kickass in a latex Matrix outfit with music playing, and then the music cuts out and it’s just rubbery squeaking as she walks around.

The photo at the top of the article IMHO shows the difference between you wearing the clothes versus the clothes wearing you. As repellant as these are, Kourtney is wearing hers while Kim is not for a whole variety of reasons. I never realized what broad shoulders Kim has. And her head looks abnormally small with the

The thing that drives me insane about the K clan is this. Kim looks fucking ridiculous. You do you but, the thing is this. There are young women out there comparing themselves to all of them. You will NEVER have a body like Kim’s, she didn’t even have a body like hers. Waist training, plastic surgery, fillers etc etc

If shit is involved, you need to minimize the exposure of the general public to said shit. I don’t care how old the person the shit coming out of is. It’s not magically ok just because it’s your kid.

And what will they do if the baby projectile poops? This is very much a real thing that my brother told me about from raising his 3 kids.

Good point, people want to create a monster out of a person who does horrible things. But humans are more nuanced than that. Though I think because he was such a supporter and champion of left-of-center politics that made it easier for people to ignore rumors about him. It worked to his advantage.

Semi-Made Home with Sandra Lee?

Singing was involved? Huh. 

She’s been using it on her bed for years? Am I missing something? Why does one need to Febreeze a bed? If your bed smells, don’t you just change your sheets? Not trying to shame any new/single/any kind of mom -- I assume all the Ks and every other celebrity has a staff that could wash and remake their beds every day

I dunno. Are those bottles of Febreeze also professional basketball players? 

1. Father-Daughter dances are held at the public schools here, but I guess you could snarkily dismiss that as flyover country ignorance.

I’d suggest Ben deal with his faults on his own and let Jennifer out of all his horseshit. Dragging her into a so very public rehash of his regrets is a selfish, needy passive/aggressive play for power & unwarranted sympathy.

I think Ben is being a creep “Daddy wishes he could be with mommy...”his kids can read. He is a selfish messy man. I am sorry he is an addict and hope he can maintain recovery but come on man, quit talking about your ex, the mother of your children.

TBH it could be completely and udderly made up. Tabloids are just like fanfic about celebrities.

I’d like to hear if it is or if it isn’t tough from Jennifer Garner, not from her boyfriend.

So once I got to the store, I realized that there’s the Little Debbie Honey Buns, which do have cinnamon and are delicious, and then there’s the LD Texas Cinnamon Roll, so I wasn’t sure which one to choose. So obviously I had to buy both, right?

What exactly is she hoping to get out of suing the pilot’s estate? I feel like it’s in poor taste, when you presumably have an enormous fortune, to sue the (presumably significantly less well-off) family of the deceased, not when you’re already suing the employers of the pilot.