
It’s expensive but not like, $400 for a t-shirt luxury line expensive. It’s about what you’d expect Adidas normal clothing to sell for. Also apparently it’s all sold out.

Correct answer: When the responding officer arrived at the scene, he took one look at Suzy and decided that based on her appearance she must have been asking for it. Based on this assumption, he never offered to collect a rape kit. He gathered no physical evidence, made one attempt to get a copy of the video from the

I’m right there with people not wanting to make what they feel is a permanent change to their body. That’s cool.

For fuck’s sake, reproductive coercion is NOT OKAY.

Right? Lizzo is an all-around entertainer. She does more on stage than almost anyone out right now. I’ve seen much younger and thinner current acts absolutely breathless after doing a quarter of the choreography Lizzo does.

The AP Style Guide should be updated to say that bloggers must always specify which Michelle Williams they’re writing about

More like the Divided Methodist Church, amirite?

Daughter or mistress. 

Oops I also have to shout out to Lord Turtle, considering Garland would be on the panel of judges if he wasn’t such a filthy POS. 

If you knew how many times I had the argument with people who consider themselves more politically savvy than myself that SCOTUS matters. If I had a button to slam right now that resulted in every self important mansplainer who had the nerve to call me a single issue voter in 2016 getting a hard slap to the face. With

At least when these Family First Senators and Reps have their gay affair (cause you know they will), the other party isn’t getting pregnant.

Dear America. “The Handmaid’s Tale” was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual.

Over-under on how many of these fine statesmen (or, more often, their wives) have smuggled a daughter into the clinic under cover of darkness? I’m going with 8000%. 

Feel like dropping these folks a line? Giving them a phone call? Phone calls are best, they HAVE to answer the phone and they HAVE to listen to you. Just be polite, calm, and use your good words.

People forget the Osbornes were basically the early 2000s Kardashians.

Not only that, people seem to forget how young he was when he made these bad jokes. Until recently, Murphy was the youngest cast member ever on SNL (19).
I’m a bit more inclined to give someone leeway for saying stupid shit in their teens and 20's. Especially when they’re taking ownership and apologizing.

When all of this first broke people were pointing out he got with his current wife while he was still with his first. So even tho it's shitty for all of this to happen while pregnant, if they'll cheat with you they'll cheat on you

I’m sure “the lowest moment” of Kevin Hart’s life was not when he cheated, but when he got caught. And if his partner had never confronted him, he’d carry on with his shitty philandering and never give it another thought. In my experience, this is how most dudes function. 

Amen! I came to discover Eames and MCM design late in life (I am a child of the 70s/80s and recently turned 50). I grew up around the ugly oversized couches/sectionals of the 80s and even to this day, that is all you see here in Wisconsin (Ashley Furniture, hello!!!). Good thing West Elm exists (and now Burrow &

It’s not the lighting. She’s wearing a black dress while laying on a white bed. The bed isn’t keying much darker than it is, nor is the dress keying lighter. This is quite clearly an instance in which she was either made up to look much darker than she is in real life. Or it was done to her image after the fact.