
Until a man comes forward, no one is going to care. I’m just so tired. When I’m a billionaire I’m totally making the Wonder Woman island a real place so ladies can just leave the men to destroy each other. 

Wow you are so close to getting to the point. It’s like right there. If you and your partner(s) don’t mind having sex while drunk and you talked about it before hand then it’s fine. But if you didn’t have consent before and then you have a right to say that it was rape if you feel that it was. In the case of the woman

Who in the hell starred this...

they’re not allegations of an affair, they’re allegations of a crime.

Most importantly - Aughra will be an amazing Halloween costume.

So is “I just have a high metabolism” not an excuse anymore like it was in the aughts? We’re going for “I never workout but I’m active” now?

May he have a speedy recovery. I wish him the best.

I love Bernie, voted for him in the 2016 primaries, switched to Hillary in the general.

I really miss Thighlights on Jezebel.

My Grandma, who is a bit older than Warren, told me to marry a guy with nice legs so I did.

I feel ya, Liz. I met my husband at a pool at 22 years old, in a speedo and nothing else. Competitive swimmer, runner, and a lifeguard. You could’ve grated cheese on his six-pack. It was a done deal for me right there.

In 1979 we didn’t wear those cargo things that brush the top of your knee. I’ll bet she got a good look at those legs.

I wish I could give you all the stars. People have this weird impulse to denigrate and belittle protest and activist efforts. I remember when people were doing the check in to Standing Rock and several people on my social media feeds were saying things like, “No one is actually doing anything! Who do you think you

The term is limousine liberal, Bethenny, and it is one of my greatest aspirations in life.  

Fact: instead of position of “best boy,” they instead have “absolute worst boy.”

I wrote this in response to another post:

Okay, but what of this $26 million? Did that ever get answered? She got $26 mil and just says “No I didn’t?” This is bugging the shit of me, but then again, I am an accountant and want to follow the$$$$ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They’re all flea-bitten trash; it’s beyond coincidence that both husbands destroyed art to build tacky condos. Never forget this 1980s cultural felony...

It’s also what Louise Linton says to Steve Mnuchin in bed.

she apparently used her time in the East Wing to tell Melania that her Be Best initiative sounded “illiterate.”