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I love Toto’s Africa, including its covers. This is a boring cover of Toto’s Africa. Wash this non-taste out of my mouth.

I don’t post much here, but holy fuck have I been grateful that this site’s been here during this most recent episode of horrific bullshit. I feel like I’m coming to the end of my rope with this shit. Long ass personal story time: As a kid I was abused by my father (physically, verbally/emotionally) and by my mother

I am livid. I seriously want to smash things and/or burn them down.

Hello, I am commenting from my smartphone as I walk out the door of my office. And I am not the only one. The elevator was completely full and now that I have reached the lobby I am happy to report that there are several dozen people down here too. Some are loitering and enjoying small talk, many are walking straight

I was immediately turned off by the first trailer I saw, in which Oscar Isaac declares that he won’t ask out Olivia Wilde yet because when he does, he’ll never love anyone else for the rest of his life. Like, that’s shitty manipulative behavior, and I’m fucking tired of people putting this tripe in movies as some

And how is this one not getting on SCOTUS ruining his life? Whoever said that when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression hit the nail on the head.


CNN posted a video over the weekend of a gaggle of Republican women who asked, ver batim: “What boy hasn’t done that in high school?”

Over and over, my attention keeps going to the conservative women defending this piece of shit and casting doubt on the accusations. What’s most amazing to me is - Dr. Ford IS those women, even though she votes Democrat now and seems like a nice moderately-progressive white lady. She grew up in a conservative,

“Unless there is something the FBI digs something up but we don’t need an FBI investigation as it might provide a base for these baseless claims.”

Re: Kevin Federline seeking more money for child support isn’t he a) going to be in a for a rude awakening once his kids grow up and b) he must be terrible at managing his money.

The whole article is stupidity masked as profundity.

I’ve read Lily Allen’s book and my biggest takeaway is that her father, ‘comedian’ Keith Allen, is an unequivocally horrific person.

a large skirt, by no means remarkable,

It’s a “hot take for the sake of a hot take.” I was baited in, thinking that there would be one actual negative fact about Instant Pots. Instead, I was treated to the standard “we should dislike what other people like too much” bullshit, with a dollop of “don’t make things at home, buy them from large corporations”

It’s probably like 90% of the quality. But 15% of the effort. So.....

One of my favorite things to make with an Instant Pot: Scrub some potatoes. Poke them with a fork a few times. Put them in the pot on top of the little rack. No need to cut into smaller pieces. Pour a cup of water into the pot. Sprinkle with your Penzey’s Spice mix of the night. Take a couple of frozen chicken breasts


Maybe I’m not using my Instant Pot so I can make sure my husband has mushroom risotto and short ribs to eat for dinner every night. Maybe *I* want to eat short ribs every night. Mushroom risotto can go to hell though because I hate mushrooms.