
Is your coworker one of those synesthesia people who associates certain letters with colors, etc.? Can s/he give us the run-down on the genders of other animals as well?  Inquiring minds want to know.  /s

Ugh, disappointing.  Still so pretty, though.

Do they have any input on Timothy Olyphant? I’ve long thought he was swoon-worthy (ever since I saw him in Go! as a teen, and he’s aged very well).

Hard agree. I have a job that provides me with decent work/life balance. I’ve dealt with some bullshit, but mostly feel valued. It pays me pretty well. It’s not “my bliss,” but that’s why I have a life outside of work.

Good on you. We also try really hard around here to be inclusive when we talk about that stuff. So important for both the LGBTQ kids to hear that validation, and the straight kids not to think their way is the only/default way. One Valentine’s Day at a time!

That’s adorable. And yes, that sounds cute and innocent. Kids will do what kids will do. Shoot, we conducted wedding ceremonies for my neighbors’ younger siblings on the reg.

One of my in-laws collects tattoos in a similar way, but if anything hers are even less cohesive. Every kind of style, some black and white, some color... I liken it to a high schooler’s doodles in the margins of their notebook.  

My daughter is 7, and some of the kids are starting to take a mild “romantic” interest in one another. I talk with her about how crushes are normal, but that at this age, it’s most important to be friends. It was also a great segue into wanted vs. unwanted attention and how and when to calmly shut it down vs. report

Right? I’m hoping he’s a really nice and lovely person, because from where I’m sitting, he seems like a catch. Tall, pretty hot, keeps a low-profile... Jen, I get the appeal, girl.

I have so much trouble with all of the matching shit that no one will ever, EVER wear again. (And/or they’ll buy or be given other iterations of the same gear for other friends’ bachelorettes.) As if one expensive one-time-wear dress wasn’t bad enough, now there are entire bridesmaids’ wardrobes that need to be

#nailedit #influencer

William Barr looks like John Goodman crossed with Bob Costas.

Holy cow.  What an unbelievable fraud!  Totally worth the read.

Moving is a tremendous motivator to declutter.  I’ve moved a few times over the last decade, and it’s really helped me to keep things streamlined.  Well, relatively, at least.  The only thing worse than taking the effort to box up stuff you don’t need is then having to unpack and figure out what to do with it on the

Contigo water bottles are really great. After trying out many other options for my kids, I’ve stuck with theirs—practically indestructible, work well, really don’t leak, diswasher safe, etc.

Contigo water bottles are really great. After trying out many other options for my kids, I’ve stuck with

Right?! Not to be too meta, but the way our reality tv, viral-content culture churns out minor celebrities, it’s impossible for all (most) of them to continue to earn a living from the thing that provided their 15 minutes. Outlets like TMZ exploiting these people for “shock value” (and making it all the more difficult

Waiting for the Fox News spin on this...

WOWWWW. So glad it worked out that way for you.

YES! I work in a fairly male-dominated industry, and had a younger female coworker call me very upset from an event, where in the course of a few hours she’d received multiple comments on her physical features from (mostly older) male attendees.

Dietland the book was phenomenal. The series did a solid job—a lot of the changes, I think, were to give Plum more points of interaction for dialogue and plot intrigue, which had mixed results. Still, it was powerful and affirming to see it made into TV (also available on Hulu, as mentioned elsewhere).