
I love the flower girls--they look like a rag-tag bunch of woodland nymphs.  I also like that the couple seemed to embrace their quirkiness, with a tap dance performance and silent disco portion of the evening?!  Fun and memorable!

No, I wish. I’ve been a fan for many years, having read his books, watched his shows and even seen him live once (he and Eric Ripert did a tour 6-7 years ago, basically an on-stage discussion). I think many (myself included) felt a more personal connection to him than to many other “celebrities” because he was so

You’re totally right—this is valid and important to recognize, and I realize that my line of thought was off-track.

Same, same, same. First thought that entered my head. I can feel outraged for for her as a victim and at her as a perpetrator, but so help me god, if the news of this was involved in Tony’s decision to kill himself... I just can’t. I’m still so shaken by his death.

The noises can be a bit hilarious and embarrassing in a quiet setting. Not that they are anything to inherently be embarrassed about coming from a baby, they’re just loud, smacky noises that we’ve been taught as children and adults not to make in public. It’s the baby equivalent of the What About Bob dinner scene.

All of this just makes me feel so deeply for the career military and IC people who are just TRYING TO DO THEIR JOBS amidst this 3 ring circus. All of them deserve a special commendation or some shit once (knock on wood) the dust settles from this nightmare of an administration.


I have a small one on my shoulder that emerged about 5 years ago. It’s not that bad—around the size of a quarter, where my purse strap goes (related?). I don’t think most people notice it unless I point it out. But I’ve toyed with the idea of getting it removed. What were the criteria for your insurance covering some

Shit, I’d probably wear one of those exploding ink packs “down there” as proof of any unwanted physical advances.  Audio doesn’t always capture everything.

That’s cool.  I don’t have anything major against her, and I can’t imagine what she went through with the Manchester attack.  That said, her cutesy baby schtick is a bit much for me, so I generally just tune her out.  

The comments here are proof that there are MANY more wonderful episodes of CK—some of which I’ve seen, and others (like Sia’s) I need to get watching STAT! Signed, fellow old (Ariana Grande makes me feel extra, extra old and exhausted)

Counterpoint: Carpool Karaoke is fun and nice. See: Sir Paul McCartney and Adele episodes, among others.

I love that Kevin Kwan held out for a big-screen Hollywood deal rather than streaming, because he thought the representation was so important in that format.

Right?  I watch it for entertainment, and Milo, by all accounts, is a really good guy and a solid actor.  But having HIM write something for the urn is so navel-gazingly cheesy that I just can’t.  Besides, it’s THE WRITERS who give words to the character.

Phenomenal choice!  A good song has a strong entrance, swagger, and pumps you up.  This does all 3.

It’s a great one!

Goddamn. Bruce now, then, forever.

Now playing

GREAT QUESTION. I chose mine back when I played (poorly) on a co-ed softball team in my 20's: the opening to Gloria:

Except that dude was always a calming voice of reason. You know he and Tim Taylor would have gradually drawn apart over the Obama and Trump presidencies as Tim became more empowered and vocal about his opinions. Wilson was a Dem, or *at least* a never-Trumper, is what I’m saying.

He and Charlie Sheen could go into business together...