
Hah, no—I make more than him, but my job gives me more flexibility. It’s a combination of factors, including our personalities, the fact that he was raised in a very traditional household, and some obliviousness on his part (legitimate or willful is up for debate). Your husband saying that is pretty shitty. I know

Yep, you are right. We just made a move, where he went on ahead for a period of time, and I was with the kids doing everything, including the move logistics. So now it’s about re-establishing some balance, which is what we’ve discussed and are working on. The part about *fully* (including mentally) relinquishing

This, along with the “emotional labor” issue, hits extremely close to home. Lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the amount that I do to keep things running for everyone around me (kids, household). I work from home, and am a detail-oriented, get-shit-done person. My husband cares and is appreciative on one level,

See also: Sneak PEAK, PEEK/PEAK your interest. These are nails on a chalkboard to me. (Peek, pique)

You’re right. I was recently recruited by a semi-competitor and am working to get my company to match the base offer. Despite this bullshit, I have a fantastic (female) manager, and since I’ve built a solid book of business, my job is a LOT easier than if I were to to out and start over somewhere else. As the mother

I’m so sorry—there is no perfect way to do this, nor the perfect thing to say. Try to give yourself a pass to be human and feel uncomfortable—how could you not? I agree with others that you’re well within bounds to ask for some privacy. Simply telling him that you love him and will miss him, and saying a goodbye, is

Or good at weird science.

PREEEEACH. I am in sales, and have been with my company for over a decade. Another senior female team member and I are the top producers. And yet we keep hiring on “experienced” reps who are friends of some manager or another (all male—the managers and these hires). NONE of them has been successful. One stayed for a

YES! I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, and that’s it exactly. The others bear a passing-to-decent resemblance, but she’s a miss.

Classic newborn picture: cub looks squeaky clean, bright-eyed, and cute as all get-out. Mom looks dirty, matted and exhausted. Polar bears: they’re just like us!

Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin are pure fucking magic on Grace and Frankie, and I’d watch Dolly do just about anything. I do think that remakes are over-done, so I’d really prefer to see them in something original, but I’d absolutely watch, regardless.

Haha, ours was the reverse, which made having #2 a big gamble, but we enjoyed the heck out of him as a result. (I was the nightmare baby #2 for my parents, likely why there are only 2 of us!)

Yes, absolutely. I try to share (within reason) my experience to try to break that down. I’d say that my daughter started looking more “normal” and “cute” by the 1-2 week mark. She was extremely colicky, and never really slept more than 3 hours at a time (broken up by hours-long crying jags) until around 6 months,

I feel this 100%. My first came out pretty banged up (giant hematoma from using the vacuum or whatever to try to pry her out). I also felt pretty shocked and overwhelmed, and was like, “damn, I hope she gets cuter!” I knew I loved her on a certain level as my baby, but I was not one of those women from whom the skies

That’s hilariously awful! It’s like something disgusting that your kid decides is cute and adopts as a favorite toy, and you’re just trying to figure out how and when you can get rid of it without starting WWIII.

I’m a parent of two, both of whom came out pretty chunky to begin with (+/-9 lbs). But I remember with my first, all the nurses were ooh-ing and aah-ing over her (legitimately, other nurses were coming in because they heard she was cute), and I was like, “Ok? She mostly looks weird and splotchy and puffy to me?” Of

Personal opinion: Newborns look strange and scrawny, like they’re made of sewn-together chicken wings. To me, they really get much cuter as they chunk up. Feet/toes included.

Exactly. I guess I come down on the side of more options is better. For those looking for a treat, they can go to town. If McDonalds is a regular part of your kids’ diet due to economics or circumstance, as a parent you have the ability to help choose some better options.

Agreed. All of these sound in line with normal OB precautions. Perhaps a hair more strict, but by no means “insane.” *eyeroll* They are adults who entered into a contract, and it’s well within her rights to request these things of her surrogate, to try to ensure a healthy outcome. And if the surrogate weren’t on

My company was once hosting a corporate event, with a VIP area sponsored by my client, at significant cost. At one point in the night, a couple started making out in one of the booths, and as the groping became more blatant, my client asked me to have them leave their section. One of the more awkward experiences of my