
Word. And for some (arguably lucky) women, nursing turns them into calorie-burning machines. I have friends who have struggled to keep weight on while nursing, despite eating nonstop. I’m not quite that extreme, but am currently enjoying the perks of nursing a giant, hungry 5-month-old. Pass the doughnuts!

Better still, use family connections to get cushy “consulting” and “speaking” gigs from big banks, and set up a family LLC with a creative 401k strategy to shield your wealth from Uncle Sam. Beats actual hard work any day! #everyman #mustbenice

Thank you! My daughter was a very difficult baby, and at 6 months, was still only sleeping for around 3 hours at a stretch, punctuated by (sometimes multi-hour) bouts of screaming. Around that time, I had to take an international trip for work, and my husband and baby came along, since I was still nursing.

Yeah, I try not to hit the mini bar, but my boss understands if we do on occasion. Especially for that giant bottle of water at the end of a night out with clients. Pales in comparison to whatever bar/dinner bill we’ve probably just amassed, and will probably boost our productivity the next day!

Fellow nursing mom/business traveler here, and that’s so great to hear! What hotel/chain was it?

Cher’s closet and software program from Clueless.

A Burberry trench has been at the top of my dream-splurge list for the last few years. My grandma recently passed away, and my mom found her old (60’s or 70’s) Burberry trench in her closet and gave it to me. It needs a good dry-cleaning, and will probably spend around $100 in tailoring to get it shortened and taken

Great tips, thanks!!

Those two are my nail painting staples! Found a really good deal on Seche Vite 2x bottles on Amazon. My bottle of Orly Bonder has lasted foreeeeever. So worth the $.

I dunno, man. I have very dark brown hair and do my own from a box every month or so to cover gray roots. I’m pretty critical, and think it looks good. I’ve had hairdressers express surprise that I color it and do it myself. There’s no way I’m changing any time soon, since I can’t imagine paying $50-100 every month to

I’m also lazy and pressed for time (young kids). I recently discovered this L’Oreal concealer stick, and am obsessed. Swipes on easily, good pigmentation, and blends like a champ. I’m fair with warm undertones, and the lightest shade in “W” is perfect for me. And at $7, it’s hard to beat.

If you break out in your 30’s, I would highly recommend a nighttime product with retinol, like Neutrogena’s Rapid Wrinkle Repair line (I use the serum every other night). It helps with breakouts and blackheads, and is also excellent to combat/prevent wrinkles. I’m a huge fan. It can dry you out some, so I use a good

These are fun to see and read, and I enjoy the local twist that they take. I don’t know how the financials work, but I’d love to see the “test subjects” get a modest budget ($50-100) to buy products afterward.

I can’t read this in any other voice except for Dolly Parton’s (from Steel Magnolia’s, naturally). “I haven’t left the house without lycra on these thighs since I was 14.”

I, too, have very dark hair and am getting gray (hairdresser pulled out my first one in my teens). I look forward to one day rocking silver locks, but for now it’s mixed enough that I feel it ages me prematurely, so I color it.

Planning on getting my face lasered once I’m done nursing my current and last baby and my body/hormones settle back to normal (or new normal or whatever). I got it done on my legs in my mid-20’s and LOVE IT. It’s not that I never have to shave, but it’s cut waaaay back on the intensity of regrowth, and frequency with

I was with you! Ended up grabbing dinner and a drink with a friend while my husband held down the fort at home. It was heavenly to spend a few precious hours enjoying adult conversation while in a non-nursing top, not soggy anywhere and smelling (I think) pretty nice.

I have an infant (i.e. don’t get enough sleep), and work from home (i.e. don’t have to dress up or wear makeup every day). But this morning I had a Skype interview and had to look presentable. As I considered the “before” and “after” following about a half hour of effort spent on hair and “natural-looking makeup,” I

I need to listen to this a few more times to get all of the great one-liners. This is pure gold. As is any Sesame Street reference, always.

I like where you’re going with this. But I’ll need to inspect those “bootstraps” for myself. Wait... what?