
I'm down with the "open-minded" part (to a reasonable extent), but I'm not sure I ever signed on for the "relaxed" bit :)

I'm so with you. We used to live in a loft-style house with 2 FLIGHTS of open stairs, and I can't count the number of nights I woke up terrified that the baby would find a way to fall through, despite heavy childproofing.

I wonder who will be first to cross the line... Rush? Coulter?

Ok, that caption is inappropriate but hilarious. But you're definitely on to something. I'll bet Uncle Joe would be an awesome anything-instructor.

That's awesome!!

I'm a huge fan of the Vasanti Brighten Up scrub. It has microcrystals (which I think are ok?), and papaya enzymes. I use it about 3x/wk, and it's really done wonders for my skin tone and texture. I also have sensitive skin, and I can really scrub with this and still not have redness. It's not cheap, but my tube

The emphasis here seems to be on plastic. What about scrubs with non-plastic particles (i.e. microcrystals)? Please tell me I can keep using my Vasanti.

My thoughts exactly. I was ready to come in all, "CALM THE FUCK DOWN—THEY ARE ALLOWED TO TAKE A BREAK AND EVEN SMILE."

I work for a company that has historically been guilty of a lot of big brother behavior. Closely watching hours, lauding those who stay late (regardless of whether they're productive), etc. I started working from home about 3 years ago, and have settled into a routine that suits me.


Cosigned on all of this. I just bought Mr. Morena 4 pairs similar to this, and he looks great. So many men have great legs—why hide them?!

The doctors & nurses tearing through the streets in a pack reminded me of this scene from Love Actually. Not spot-on, but reminiscent.

Brilliant. You can come sit by me any time.

There's a Planned Parenthood near my house, and almost every weekend there are protesters outside. I like to flip them off as I drive by... I just hope they can see the child seat in the back of my car.

Any reports of Prince William flying coach should include the caveat that he got the bulkhead seat. It's a game-changer.

Haha, thanks!! Clearly I've got GoT on the brain.

Haha, I have a toddler who's obsessed with The Little Mermaid, and you are spot-on. You're entitled to dig it—there are definitely things there to like. I certainly like a few of the other controversial ensembles on here :)

Yes and no.I would buy a Burberry trench, and a very nice, classic bag. I would allow myself splurges at higher-end stores, but I'd still mostly go for the sale racks. For everyday, I think I could be content maxing out at JCrew-level spending.

Me too... maybe he came from a Hedwig performance and didn't take it all off? That's what I'm telling myself.

Yes, I think you're right on with the better undergarments and posture. I also think they could have tacked down some of the pleating in order to give her a sleeker look. It's just unnecessarily bulky.