
Nice! I haven't had that brand—will have to find it and try it myself :)

Oh, completely agree. I have zero love or use for the royal family (of any country), but it provided my friends and me with some cheap thrills while we were there.

Haha, pretty forgivable from over here. I lived there during a VERY EXCITING* period when Prince Felipe revealing his relationship with a hot newscaster, Letizia, and married her. It was like the Spanish Will and Kate, only with more of a Hollywood rom-com plot, concluded by a super-serious Catholic wedding, during

Now I see it! Oh, Kinja (wah-wah). Angelina would be the worst choice ever, when there are so many better actresses who actually slightly resemble Nigella.

Your image isn't displaying for me—who's your pick?? I just posted above. I'm team Rachel Weisz for the role.

Casting for Nigella? C'mon, that's a shoo-in:

I love me some Spanish red wine, too. Ribera del Duero is lesser-known than Rioja (though gaining in awareness), and far better, IMO. Also, Garnacha (the Spanish version of Grenache). Salud!

LOVE. It's one of my go-to summer wines—in fact, I had it at my wedding! Anyone I've ever served it to has immediately asked me for the details. Cheap, tasty, light, refreshing, and lower in alcohol content, so you can drink more (which is a bonus, if you're a begrudging lightweight like me).

Yes—all of this! I would take an occasional sip of my husband's beer while out, just to enjoy the taste. And I had a moderate glass of wine every week or so once I hit my second trimester. Never caught a buzz, but it did help me to relax a bit.

I'll check this out for sure, especially for the hair dye data. Since my first child was born, I've switched from strategic plucking to a regular dye schedule to cover greys, and it's hard to imagine letting my roots just grow in for 9 months. Of course, I would do so if it weren't safe, but it's sounding like it's

An episiotomy was one of my biggest fears going into childbirth. In the end, I got cut not once, but TWICE during my delivery, and in my case it was probably a good thing. I had a long labor, and as I finally started to push, the baby's pulse rate was dropping dangerously low. They tried a suction clamp on her

Eric Carle had better be getting royalties from this. Just sayin'.

This is an incredible, sweet photo. But all I can think of is how that girl is able to breathe with what must be a VERY heavy cow head on her chest!?!

Yes, the early days are full of (mostly) irrational, yet terrifyingly vivid, images of the worst possible things happening to your child. Just know that you're completely normal, and in a way, I think it means you're doing it right.

High-five, fellow grammarian.

Yeah, I wouldn't put it past others in the family to revel in this, but she has gradually won me over. It seemed like they were really in love, and I can't imagine how awful (sad, exhausting, embarrassing) it must be to have your most personal business put out there for all to see. I'm rooting for her. And,

You're right, and that's my bad! I had to Google, and Brazilians are typically included in the term latino, but not hispanic.

I'd bet money that the magazine manipulated both. Her behind extends an odd amount in the "before" picture (not a slight to her size—it just looks unnatural, which makes me think they widened her), and I think they likely slimmed her hips in the "after." And probably a hundred other small tweaks, because they're the

Gah, that is stunning.

That is a REALLY cute coat, and you sound awesome. She's right in the age range to be excited about VS, too. I know I was, despite an utter lack of boobage (don't think their clothes were very well-known then).