
I bought the Makeup Forever line (at Sephora) for my wedding, since I was doing my own makeup. It's really good stuff, especially the Full Cover concealer, which doesn't change color, doesn't budge with oily skin, and has lasted me over a year with daily use. But for the powder, definitely skip the name brand... www.

The white, pointy heels take this a bit in the Barbie/80's direction. I'd prefer it with a more modern shoe.

Always love the makeup tips!

Couldn't have said it better myself. She's distinguished herself from the generic early 2000's pop fluff, and has shown both her grit and her humanity. She has abs to DIE for, and killer style. Count me among those she's gradually won over.

Have you seen her on Bill Mahr? She's crazy-smart. Her face is unreal, she's super-stylish and wonderful, but her brain totally seals the deal. Swoon.

I had a close friend give me a breakdown, the day after her wedding, of who gave her the best gifts, and which friends' gifts hadn't even covered the per-head cost of the wedding, as if that were the minimum obligation.

I drank a couple when I was early in my pregnancy, couldn't tell anyone yet, and was on a week-long work trip with some hard-partying coworkers. I weighed my options and decided it was pretty much the only way to keep my boss from asking me point-blank if I was pregnant if I was conspicuously not drinking.

Reading the quote, I could only picture the mom from Growing Pains.

People are just tacky.

I have a toddler and a 7-year-old stepson. Their dad (my husband) is half Asian, so despite having different mothers, no one would guess they weren't full siblings (dominant genetics, ftw!). When I'm out with them, I've gotten a few comments on having cute kids or a nice family, and I just smile and say thanks.

The % of income will obviously vary, but it is pricey. The single biggest factors for us the first year were: full-time child care and the need for a bigger place. If you live in an expensive city, sizing up from a 1 to 2 or 2 to 3-bedroom place can be significant.

Yeah, agreed; 2 is the plan for us. We'll probably pull the goalie sometime around the holidays. We're just thinking we'll get one of those "easy" babies this time (hahahahaha, riiiiight).

I come from a family of big babies. About 1.5 weeks before my due date, they did an ultrasound, and told me I was on track for a 6.5-7 lb. baby. Sure enough, about 2 weeks later, out came LaMorenita at 8 lbs 15 oz.

Yes, the biggest issue here (for me) is the fit and proportion of the dress. It just overwhelms her. The waist hits her at the wrong point, and the skirt is way too long. Really like the back, though.

Also, I so want to see your and other Jezzies' babies/kids,and share some of my crazy-cute spawn... damn the creeps, who ruin it for everyone.

I hear you! Our munchkins are about the same age, and ALLLL of my mom-friends are pregnant or just had their second. One the one hand, LaMorenita is a very busy, demanding kid, and I'm enjoying the phase where she occasionally just does her own thing. Life is less chaotic, and I feel sane most of the time. On the

She's one of those celebs whose (seeming) real-, don't-give-a-fuck-ness has won me over in recent months. Digging the colors and print for a late-summer look. Her makeup looks a bit washed-out—I'd love to see a bit more of a flush to her lips and/or cheeks. I'd guess it looks great in person, but just didn't hold

I love it... she looks so chic! Not the kind of clothes one can get away with in Real Life, unless you work in fashion or the like. But perfect for an event like this.

Haha, word. Although it sounds like she was there for an older sibling's dance class. This supports my theory that I'll be somewhat more capable and flexible with #2 (who has yet to be conceived). With #1, I was still completely shell-shocked at 16 days—in that "wait, you're really going to leave me alone with this

If you have the option to return part-time post-maternity, then that's a GREAT way to be able to test the waters again and find the balance that works for you.