
Short answer: yes.

There's a long history of Mary being worshiped in Christianity.

Sermons I got on Mary always stressed that she agreed to the whole thing, and we were exhorted to be as brave as she was, saying yes to something so difficult.

Seriously, try the Unitarians

Unitarian Universalists know what's up.

And they have THE. BEST. potlucks. Seriously. It's like this great combination of your grandma's old-school buttery casseroles with new age hippie quinoa dishes.

If you want a hipster religion become a Unitarian, they're too cool to proselytize, and they were gay marrying people before gay marrying was cool.

Dont forget illegally disposing of the animal bodies in random trash cans and alleyways

I am insane for Greek names: Ariadne, Cassandra, Ariana, Athena, Penelope. There are more. I am just forgetting.

being vegan made me fat and gave me a b12 deficiency that ravaged my health. only when i was hospitalized for my body systems failing did i start to lose weight. at this point i'm likely too weak to conceive so... i guess that was my experience with the "plan v" diet.

Can I just say, that anyone I've ever met that had addiction issues such as alcohol or drugs.....was totally skinny. Yep, a bunch if skinny "fit" people posing as alcoholics and such...

PETA is evil and kills more animals than they save. Their shock campaigns are meant to spread their name, don't give in by talking about them. They should be ignored like a bad internet troll.

PETA are the Tom Cruise of vegans.

PETA, forever giving animal rights activism a bad name...

I hate that PETA does shit like this all of the time. I'm a vegan and an animal rights activist, but this just makes people run in the opposite direction and lump all vegans into a group of shit heads. I know so many vegans and not a single one supports or

As much as I disagree with Maria Kang, I feel like this whole debate is incredibly schizophrenic (with apologies to schizophrenics, but right now, another way to describe it fails me). As much as people may profess to not care about Maria Kang, or what she pushes, or her message, the fact is that the weight loss

My heart goes out to everyone who has been dumped recently or may get dumped around this holiday season. That really sucks! But what about those of us that are single?? Can someone please write a post about surviving everyone asking me if I've met someone special or condescendingly telling me not to worry and that

Please, please stop giving attention to this woman. From everything I've read about her and heard her say, she sounds very much like someone who is dealing with severe body image and eating disorder issues (in this article alone, I'm struck by how she calls herself average - that alone shows she doesn't have an

Honest to god, we should be able to prosecute crimes of the heart.

My guy showed up on my doorstep two weeks before thanksgiving to break up with me, which was a surprise since he'd been professing his love and doing sweet lovey incredible things right up to the last minute. No conversation, no explanation, just 30 seconds of "we have to break up," then he said "I'm hungry, I have to

So cool to see the cover of my first novel, Anna of Byzantium, on your site! Just wanted to make sure everyone knew that this is a modern imagining (by a talented artist named David Bowers) of what she might have looked like and isn't to be taken as a likeness. And yes, she was a fireball of awesome!

This is going to depend on the person, but something that really helped me was when my friends kept me busy - the long distance ones by talking to me regularly and the nearby ones by taking me out to do things. Part of what's scary about leaving a long term relationship are those stretches of time alone when you don't