
Wanted to share this article—I think the title should have led with figure reported further down that men are 27,500 times more likely to be a raped than falsely accused of rape.

UGGGGHHH. Does he or anyone else want to understand hardness beyond imagine for any adult yet alone child? I think he, his family, is lawyer, and every goddamn rape apologist to try to imagine being raped while unconscious, and finding out through all of your schoolmates texting about and sharing pictures and video

I actually have had some really good luck with dresses at target. I'm around a 10-12 and have a big boobs and a belly, a short torso, and a flat butt (the fat that should be on my butt instead goes to my stomach :( ). I've been able to find stresses there that actually accomodate my boobs, have a waist that hits me at

I could potential see that, but qualifying it "for life" seems to indicate NEVER rather thanjust pre-marriage.

That makes a lot of sense.

Let me put it this way: approximately around 2-8% of reported rapes are false accusations (and the rate is comparable to false reports of other crimes). That means, 92-98% of rape allegations are true ( and only about 40% of rapes are actually reported , so really, the amount of actual rapes dwarfs the amount of false

No, but I didn't say that being wealth equals guilty. However, being wealthy makes it a lot less likely for some who IS guilty to be found guilty. Given that his school's disciplinary hearings found him guilty, in conjunction with some of the other particular's of the story, is enough evidence for me to conclude that

What do you define by infancy? Breastfeeding and co-sleeping through toddlerhood are completely natural, and actually probably more in-line with what is "natural" for humans than weaning at 6 months or keeping a baby/toddler in a room by themselves. While weaning ages vary a lot cross-culturally, some foraging

I would love a house-elf, but I would worry about enslaving my house-elf even if I was treating him well. So I would probably give him clothes and offer to pay him well, but I wouldn't be surprised if he'd rather go off and have adventures than dealing with mess my cats create.

It's so completely from the American system, where we have a huge problem with grade inflation. Most of the time, an A (90-100%) means that you completely answered the question (s) and followed the directions. I try really hard to grade fairly and NOT contribute to grade inflation, but in my intro classes a lot of

Also, given that he comes from a wealth family and his dad was a lawyer, it would be even less likely that he would be convicted (given that in our legal system, money and connections are the may determinants of legal outcomes).

The problem is, it's nearly impossible to have proof unless there were multiple witnesses willing to testify, a videorecording, or extensive physical injuries documented in the ER immediately after. And unfortunately, only about 1% of rapist that are convicted. So if you need a conviction to believe that a rape

BUT, someone in your university probaly did get that spot. I studied abroad in Scotland, but was pretty disappointed that I didn't get the placement with my top choice. But, the university I wanted to go to only had one spot for a full-year student from my university, whereas the place I ended up had 4. You were

I would also add that although it's roughly the equivalent of 3.0, the differences in the educational systems make it really hard to evaluate them in the same way. I would imagine that the work of someone getting a 2.1 at a British university would actually be more comparable to the work of a student with around a 3.5

As others have pointed out, there is a lot of research on the negative consequences of stress hormones on the fetus. If the potential risks of the occasional glass of wine or pot brownie are far less than their potential alleviation of maternal anxiety, I think there is good justification to consider it.

I feel the same.

Thank you so much for this response! One of my biggest frustrations with reading the comments on this particular situation and others on this site is that it seems to turn into a black/white us-vs-them judgement-fest that accomplishes nothing. And I get really sick of having to preface things with saying "I'm brown"

About your aside, umm NO. just because you only got into her music because you were young and naive, doesn't meant that everyone feels the same way. I've liked her music for years and still do. I can't say that all of her music is earth-shakingly profound, but a lot of it is more thoughful and insightful than a lot

No, some people who were actual fans of Ani's music, and not just jumping on the bandwagon of liking the music their college friend's like. And while music preferences change can change over time, if you really loved music at a previous point in your life, you generally continue to love it the rest of your life. I

she's adorable!