That'll be because nobody does Dolly better than Dolly.
That'll be because nobody does Dolly better than Dolly.
I have been saving the last episode for literally years because I cannot bear to part from Melanie and Boo forever.
she died because she was a sad, confused, frightened child.
Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.
Let’s leave out the whole class thing. How exactly does he get away with proposing a bill based on something he “has seen”, rather than hard facts?
Likely scenario: the baby gave it to him, as babies sometimes do.
Hands are about the only part of the body that shows age unequivocally, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Whenever I go back to my hometown (or one of them anyway, since I moved around the area a lot from my childhood to my late teens) I don’t exactly feel a sense of belonging. I recognize the place, the smell, the shape of it; I fall in with the rhythm, mostly, or at least try. It’s a gentler kind of living than I’m used…
I'm already loving this. Count me as your go-to woman for all things Italian.
I think it’s a political choice to have the future Queen come across as thrifty.
I’ve just gone off the pill and yeah, periods are a bit heavier and crampier (but not much). Problem is, this month I’ve had an 18-day-long period and I am most definitely not happy. I know it’s a common side-effect, but I really loved the reassuring regularity of pill-induced periods.
She’s got mummy’s mouth! I think I just died of cuteness.
Kevin O'Connor, the patriarch of the Memories Pizza family says that he chooses to be heterosexual, which is a decision I assume he came to after trying both gay and straight sex and finding the latter most satisfying
They'd probably be extinct if they didn't have such strong roots in some communities. Also, the fear of being declared "suppressive" and torn apart from your family is what keeps a lot of people in the faith (as it does with many other cults).
You know what, I don't think that delegitimizing his feelings is going to help our cause one bit. If anything, seeing a man complain about being sexualized might actually help other men see that it's not as flattering as they seem to think.
Well, it's fairly easy to understand how that might work. Unlike most religions - where you get the whole parcel shoved at you from the get-go and it's either accept or reject - Scientology is particularly clever. The entry-level approach is a rough version of cognitive therapy with some made-up terminology thrown in…
Same here. I think for me it boils down to a fear of the dress wearing me, rather than the other way around. I get a little bit louder in the summer, but that's it.
This is definitely my favourite thing about the English language.
I say that in the spirit of helpful correction rather than as a criticism.
I'm coming up 43 and the aging process is here with me every day. At the same time, though, we lost a friend to cancer last year. He was 35. It's such a privilege to be able to grow old and die when we're done, a privilege he's been denied. And that's the worst thing. So now I don't mind it so much, I take care of…