I need there to be someone out there whose kink is watching other people pay their taxes. "Oh, you're three months late, John. Gonna have to pay a late fee. Do it! Log into H&R Block do it do it."
I need there to be someone out there whose kink is watching other people pay their taxes. "Oh, you're three months late, John. Gonna have to pay a late fee. Do it! Log into H&R Block do it do it."
I got underboob! What do I win?
I saw Mazturbacion!
The actress is dressed as Eva Braun.
Was that under straight or gay? Or were they just very organized gummy worms?
Do you want to have kids? Is it weird to imagine a future in which you don't have them? Do you not want to or are you unable to have biological children but think you would like to adopt? Do you think you will be a good parent and raise them well regardless of whether they turn out differently than you expected or…
This post is my everything.
Yes, that would be wonderful! My email is ladyxeen@gmail.com and I appreciate your weighing in! The kitty sedatives and harness are helpful tips.
Off topic, can you tell me your method for moving your kitty across country? I am supposed to move two of them in two years and it's giving me stay-up-at-night anxiety because I have no idea how to proceed.
Doesn't include foreplay? :(
I have a soft spot for Rodriguez and am really glad she's happy. I just worry about her and the alcohol like I'm her mom instead of some creepy rando internet stranger.
I am waiting for the inevitable cultural backlash. Gluten-free products will become passe. People will gorge themselves on bread, dress as bread for halloween, talk about how delicious wheat flour is and there is just no substitution, make wheat flour ice cream and wheat flour cocktails. Meanwhile, absolutely no…
This is the saddest story.
Screw you, fascist state! I'm naming my baby Gas Station and Stoplight McGee.
Welp, I'm friends with quite a few Bay Area and NYC women, most who didn't manage to find partners (and were actively looking) until they were well into their 30's, and I wouldn't call a single one of them batshit insane.
This so much. I'm a transplant. Moved here six years ago when I was 24 and I live in Oakland.
Ellen Page, I already felt all the <3 for you. Now I can't deal.
Welp. Then again, there's rape.
I know that you didn't mean to be a Nice Guy and meant instead to be a genuinely nice guy, but when a woman tells you to get lost, something which is very difficult for women to do because they have been socialized to be nice at accommodating at all costs, and you say, "you're a bitch," well...