
Nope. Ask anyone who has been street harassed. It's like 2.5 seconds between "hey let me lick that p****" to "You stupid c*** I'll f****** kill you!"

Spot on. This this this. I'm old and boring now, but this was awful in my early/mid twenties. So, let's break it down. Why not just say "sorry, I'm not interested"?

You know what? Grammar changes. We used to say thine and we don't anymore. Now we say they as a singular non-gendered pronoun. It happens.

There is a book about a woman reading a book? I feel like an article would really suffice.

Pretty sure that's a myth made up by Europeans who don't like the idea that modern day Egyptians could be descended from Ancient Egyptians because it makes much more sense for Ancient Egyptians —-> Modern Europeans.

I KNOW! He got so hot! Dohring never did it for me, sorry. (I know!)


Start by doing something that doesn't seem productive, like walking places. On my days off, I have "adventures" where I plot out a pretty walking route that leads to a coffee shop/park/whatever on gmap-pedometer. Then I do it. Crossfitters would say taking a walk is a waste of time. Fuck them.

She's 23. When I was 23, I briefly dated a guy who slept with Dharma Bums under his pillow. He was 26.

Aww, who hasn't written bad poetry? I still do, sometimes.

It's going to be ok, Shaun Coles. I know we are hurting your feelings. I hope you learn from this and don't sell any more humans, on the internet or otherwise. Also do some research on "what is joke."

...because it's pretty clear I have good taste and that is a lovely shade of Robin's Egg blue?

Urgh. This article*. Not sure why I pluralized that.

See, because it's totally the same to make a snarky joke in an online community about selling your girlfriend as to actually, you know, list her for sale.

I also want to add that in my experience, men who continually insist on degrading sex acts that you don't want to do because you find them degrading (oh god especially with the whining!) tend to be terrible in other ways. You know what's respectful?

Hmmm, well, see, um, no. You're totally wrong.

So true! This is what my kitchen looks like.

The headline got my shoulders up but this articles was great. Anecdatally, my biggest boner killer has always been disrespect. That can manifest itself in terms of being 4 hours late for our date or not doing your share of the housework when you said you would or doing things to me in bed that I have told you I

People are so freaking stupid sometimes. Yah, ask an alcoholic if they mind having a glass of wine with dinner and obsess about the weights and eating habits of lady stars because that's good for everyone's mental health.