
One of the most interesting things I learned in college history classes is that this 50% divorce rate thing really isn't a big deal.

Sadly, I have an inkling of what you mean. :(

I agree! I've read Lolita but never bring it up for that reason. OMGOMG so creepy and rapey and that is totally the point whyyyyy do you think poor Dolores wants it and whyyyyy do you think Humbert Humbert is so great

That kiss seemed very "LOOK AT MEE I AM RELEVANT."

Winona looks so beautiful. I miss her in things. :(

Oops- second link supposed to go here.

Racism is over! Yay white people!

"I'm not trying to troll"

"...things like 50 Cent."

I proposed to my wife by writing Will U Marry Me in the snow with salmon. She ate it all, so I am pretty sure that means YES!

Haha! That is so funny! I am guessing, of course, that these fresh and clean American goddesses are all sun-bronzed Californians.

I was proposed to twice before I met my husband, and neither was romantic. One guy invented a fake deployment (he wasn't even enlisted, what) so that I'd marry him. Guess he saw one too many WWII movies, huh? Both of them were so annoying and made me realize that flashy overachieving proposals can be a substitution

The best part about obvious trolls is that you are always so obvious! Besides your clear lack of knowledge about female anatomy (going off birth control has never made me nor any other female person I know bleed heavily for a month, and let me tell you after 10 days of menses your doctor is checking you for anemia

Now playing

Here she is doing a fun, acoustic cover of Pump Up the Jam.

Foolish women hiring nannies to run the bakesale table so they can go to their suffragette meetings!

Isn't the whole joke about the frozen banana stand that wtf frozen bananas are just bananas that are frozen and therefore it sucks to have to try and sell them because WHO ON EARTH WOULD EAT A FROZEN BANANA ON PURPOSE? I don't geddit.

An old coworker of mine once got into a fight with her long-term boyfriend because 1)she had a zombie apocalypse dream and 2)she told him about it when they woke up in the morning and asked if she got bitten by a zombie, would he shoot her on the spot or try and save her? and 3)he said he'd shoot her. Oops.