yes yes kindred spirits! <3
yes yes kindred spirits! <3
During the first year or so of my relationship with my now-husband, I had several nightmares about him doing and saying terrible things and just generally being terrible. There are a lot of reasons for this: It was a new relationship for me which happened under stressful circumstances. We moved in together after…
When I met my husband for the first time, I was wearing a tux.
What this study is doing is actually examining twentieth century literature alongside its precursors and discovering a decline of emotion (I am going to make the assumption that they aren't examining vast tomes of medieval or colonial literature but rather are comparing the twentieth century to the 19th for the most…
Thanks! Also, good luck to you and your man!
Oh LOL. People always love to reference that speech when they are telling the discriminated against to stfu.
By the way, those ARE rings with wood inlay- and they won't warp. They are made of steel.
HOLY CRAP THOSE ARE OUR RINGS! So my husband and I have those exact rings, for real (I assume you are getting them on Etsy)? We've been married since 6/2010 and our rings are still fine. Pros: they are pretty and unusual and inexpensive (relatively) for wedding rings- and we do put them through an awful lot.
Ah yes, but bookstores, libraries and Nicholas Sparks insist that he writes romantic fiction or something- that it's literature and not that "romance novel" nonsense. So he writes formulaic romance novels and gets shelved in "literature" and gets a wider audience than he would otherwise. Because sexism.
What is this comic??
I wanted to share what works for me, too! If you can't be bothered to motivate yourself but you're a people-pleaser (thanks, socialization!), you won't want to let someone else down, so get a workout buddy. Or buddies, plural. I work out with my spouse, but if I was single I'd probably have a hiking buddy, a gym…
#4 is hard for me, mostly because I am fat and people DO stare at me when I work out. Especially guys. And not in a Heeeeeey way (which would be annoying anyway), but in a trainwreck way. And since I work out at my college gym, no one is old enough to be self conscious when they get caught staring at you.
Yeah and people on Wikipedia = 91% men.
YES. What about the REALLY creepy ones where the sonagram is photoshopped onto her stomach? AUGH.
Haha because her life is a terrible romantic comedy, and that's her dress-trying-on montage.
Bless you and don't ever change. Even if I HAD a diamond that I wanted to show off, the dozens of random people saying "let me see the ring," would have exhausted me.
How about this one woman who I honestly don't know that well (I went to her wedding but was really just casual friends with the groom and they didn't know that many people) who posted the horrifying, extremely detailed progress of her miscarriage on her public feed? Which- I know it's awful and she had a rough time,…
I live in the highly liberal Bay Area and I STILL got "let me see the ring!" Since mine was a $30 silver ring with a garnet that my husband and I selected at a thrift store after we got engaged, it was then followed by an awkward silence and an unenthusiastic, "it's nice!" This, of course, made me very very amused…
For me, it was an immense sense of relief. We tried to be as low-maintenance as possible (although you have to choose between $$$ and workload, and we always chose the latter since we didn't have a lot of money to spend and most of our budget went toward feeding people) but it was still SO. MUCH. WORK. Including one…