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This commercial hits the nostalgia even harder.

That’s a crying shame considering how awful Mario Kart Tour is. It’s genuine garbage in my opinion. From its gross monetization, to its broken controls. There are no redeeming qualities of the game.

lol imagine being mad that other people like a game you hate and haven't played

Ive really been enjoying the slow pace of the opening chapters. Im at the point where i can pick up a shit ton of side missions or press on (back from Wind Farm). So, thanks for the heads up, but I’m going to take the slower pace. Something about the windy mossy hills and Sam slipping on every rock. I really enjoy

I am in the middle of chapter 2 but I have to say I am greatly enjoying the undisturbed slowness of the first few hikes. The music that slowly picks up as the camera pulls back to reveal the vast empty world as you slowly hike through it have been my favorite parts.

Joker, a boring movie we’ve spent entirely too much time talking about at this point” Why are you guys so butt hurt over this film? You talk about it constantly then complain about talking about it. 

I disagree with a lot of what you are saying here. I do wish that Kerr said more, but you can’t just jump from “he didn’t say what I wanted him to say about this issue” to “stick to sportzzzz!”

Super disingenuous of Square Enix to not say something like “Part 1" or “The Beginning” on the cover. Lots of erroneous purchases will be made, guaranteed. Personally, I’ll wait for the “collection” or whatever they call it, probably 3-4 years down the road.

Nick Young was so inspired by Jared Leto’s depiction of the Joker in Suicide Squad he went out and dropped 2 points on the Orlando Magic.

His wife was equally unimpressed with her second-place trophy.

It sounds like a compelling movie and I’m pretty sure it’s awesome” you should have stopped there, because you rendered the rest of the sentence irrelevant. #NotMyJoker doesn’t matter, and why do you get to define The Joker?

Well, it’s because the writer is a piece of shit trying to defend his bullshit.

It’s clickbait trolling, and it’s working on all of us (myself included) who came here to complain about it. rabble rabble rabble.

Whatever dude... you’re nuts. There’s NO WAY the Lion King was a rip off of some unknown cartoon.

is that guy pissed because of how many records sun set?

did she mention she has a black friend™ though?

It seemed like a Disney channel movie even for the most part. There was no dark twist, technology gone too far angle at all. If dig you can find links between here real life and the episode, but that is not Black Mirror.

Dammit, kinja, what is this new top bar nonsense that makes me open a new page to see my notifications.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

I especially like the part where he fakes the pass to the corner and is wearing a Clippers jersey when he spins back to the lane.