I prematurely ejaculated on my girlfriends prom dress, the worst part about it was having to explain to her why I was in her closet in the first place......
Of the few people who I have known, who live in places bears inhabit, most were poor and the rest didn't have the common sense to lock their doors....
"Accident" is defined as any property damage needing to be reported to your company. I have a chargeable accident on my record for a bent fence post, it doesn't take much........
It is an electric 500. I saw a car exactly like this driving around the Detroit suburbs (maybe the same car).
If AJ tested positive for a legal, but banned stimulant, why not state that stimulant by it's proper name? Why would you subject yourself to conjecture over what you might have taken if the banned stimulant in question is legal and benign?
Post this feature on Thursday! Saturday morning is too late in order to plan to attend any given race.
This story might be the the inspiration for the most absurd sitcom ever...
Look. I've got alot of job offers, many of them paying much more than this.....
BBC Top gear is hard liquor, the finest most refined hard liquor.
In my defense, I not only enjoy TGUSA, I work for it!
You got it wrong,
What Is Top Gear USA Doing With A Merkur, An Allante, And An SVX?
One can only hope...........
Judging from the way the engine sounds as the car is tumbling, maybe it was a stuck throttle rather than brake failure?