
You know how car-pooling is better for the environment? Rather than several engines burning fuel while delivering several people to the same place, you have a single engine burning fuel to deliver several people to a single place.

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This ad was made approximately 5 B.Y.T. (before youtube) and it still makes me laugh.

The article doesn't elaborate on how the researchers determined a particular model was "purchased" by a male or female. Statistically, men still make more money than women, and among married couples, men are more likely to be the spouse signing on the dotted line.

Without reasonable laws enforcing rights to intellectual property, innovation is impossible.

Those fondant spark plug wires ain't gonna hold more than a few volts without melting...........

I honestly never knew, I had always assumed if a GM motor had iron heads and coils on the valve cover it was a newer Vortec 8100 (big block).

I think a 427 Cammer- Fox would be cool, but that SOHC motor shares the same faults with the mod-motor.

I don't understand why contemporary auto makers just don't allow Chinese auto makers to "license" less than current designs, say the old Chevy S-10.

My original link does not seem to be working.

Since everyone seems hung up on the whole "Chevy in a Ford" deal, I'll try to clear things up.

You can watch eliminations live right now. as of 6:17pm east.

We could save a lot money then.

I can't wait for the day when I live in a world where, police are judge, jury, and executioner.

It doesn't matter if the subject was a drunk or a serial killer. Police should act as law enforcers, not "punishers"

You are the only person in the entire world who didn't get the reference......

Well done.....

Finding Bigfoot, The Bible and UFOS, Nostradamus and our Future..

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I like scantly clad women as much as the next man, but the women featured in this video/commercial kinda have a stripper/ding-bat vibe about them......