another great article from a great blog
another great article from a great blog
I’m all for LGBTQXYZWhateverLetterWereOnNow rights and to not discriminate against. However, I’m damn tired of being painted a villain when I get tired of seeing this crap. It has nothing to do with being about trans or LGBT or whatever. I was just hoping that Splatoon would just have posts about silly things like…
This post is just the worst.
I hate to even comment on this childish, self-indulgent bullshit. Being a loudmouth doesn’t make you interesting, Gita.
“I love words, I love using them, I love taking a deep dive into a pool of minutia and coming back with an intense emotional experience and then *sharing it everyone*.”
important investigative questions that only will bring
The last 4th of the game is about 25% of the game.
Yeah, thats seems like a fascinating story either way, I suppose whatever works the best to snag people’s interest and keep their attention to learn more about an experience / challenge that they might otherwise find boring.
Yes, I’ve been a Digimon the very first day they aired Digimon in the US. IMO, Digimon is better in so many ways.
first five hours of Shenmue II
8-bit demake roguelite rhythm-based action RTS/RPG hybrids are due a few dinosaurs.
She could be asking all these questions and just getting stilted silence back.
“Damn it Gordon, why are you jumping on the desk in the corner?! Dr. Kleiner is patiently explaining to us what we need to do! Put away the crowbar!”
Reminds me of these:
If by 3, they mean 6 then no this is accurate.
A lot of these are actually pretty good. The Shut Up and Jam one (oh, for the days when B-ball was still legal...), the Dragon Ball one. That N64 ad is WAY too busy, though!