Uhm this is a mod for Half-Life, the very first game. The mod came out in 1999. I’ve been playing it on and off for 10 years at least.

My high school was blocks away from THE ORIGINAL Chipotle, on Evans here in Denver :D

Rymdkapsel is no longer available on Playstation Store :/

I just realized Kingdom Hearts can now probably include Star Wars characters

The game looks completely insane in a Mirrors Edge kind of way. Looks neat! And trippy!

I’m sorry I came to be this guy too :/

Y’know what game handled crowds well?

Very much a completionist

Sorry I forgot about you too, Fallout 3 GOTY I still have to get to the radio station in you sorry bout that buddy

I’m in a bit of a weird space in my gaming right now. My PC has an unknown ailment. I'd be playing The Witcher 1 if it weren't. I’m giving up on powering through big multipart series. Highly unlike me.

Here’s a few games I’m working on:

Way to close with a zinger, Luke!

Not sure about others, but playing Diablo (the first) on Windows 7 Pro was a complete nightmare for me.

I loved this write-up on Solaris.

I’m pretty much right there with you

...whoa. Thank you for this *amazing* tip!!!

probably Lv34 lol

I think I’m Level 35 Conjurer and still need my White Mage questline :S

Sorry to be that guy:

Vice City introduced me to New Wave. For that, I am eternally grateful.