It's funny because that's also where I hide them :-) nice guys unite!

Wow, Todd over here got himself a gf once and thinks he deserves his own mtv reality show. YO NERD YO GAME IS WACK, YOU THINK YOU KNOW BUT YOU DONT KNOW THIS IS TRUE LIFE OF A PLAYA

you're in the Internet comment sections warning us of the impending doom wasting time when you could be prepping your bunker

Seriously hasn't jobie forester been through enough?

Eh :/

You appear to already love the game. And might not be the best person to judge it's value proposition.

It makes me so Internet angry. It's so sleazy, I'm glad at least someone is talking about it.

Exactly what the trench coat and fedora wearing guy would say if he wanted to throw us off the scent. You aren't fooling us

Well if I'm gonna trust anybody it's gonna be the magazine owned by GameStop who had an exclusive early hands on

Cool, a borderline crazy person in the Internet comment section. Haven't seen this before

Great hot take bro. But those games can be beaten in that amount of time if you've played them a ton and use whatever time saving exploit possible. Sorry that's not how I game. And GI said they beat it in 2 hours and that was that. Not that it could be beaten in that amount of time if you rushed.


Ok I guess but I'll buy it for 15 a month after it's release. They're selling a gussied up demo for a game that won't see a release for another 1.5 years. I love MGS, I love blowing money, but I'm a man of principle.

Thanks, Nintendo, UGH, IMO

Good, it needed it.

Can I jump into this if I've never played a video game before?

Same here. In our little universe we can only allow one game per genre. Same applies to film and music. I'd recommend all others to follow our lead.

Hire this "guy"! He will lead y"ou t"o the "promise land", kotaku!

His name is real close to flop. COINCIDENCE? Start asking the right questions!

FACT Zelda is a girl IMO?