I know somebody who played a few hours of the console version. So the next day on his home early from work he finds his girl doing it sex style with his best friend so he loses both his girl and his best friend decides to go out and blow off some steam at the local Pizza Hut. Like most pizza huts they serve beer and

Yeah I know rayman legends and ac4(ps4) were borderline unplayable. I'm makings shit up of course cause here on the Internet shits either so fucking rad it blows your dick off or it's so fucking terrible and broken it blows your dick off.

You do realize that sim city doesn't exist without online right? See what I am getting at? Crazy fanboy

I just gave it a spin. Yo, I welcomed kinja with open arms, but my initial impressions of the discussion system is :-|

Hey crazy person that probably works for maxis. Gta v was an incredible game that existed outside of its online modes. The end.

It's probably because the dude you are replying to sees a little bit of himself in the dude who was harassing her and feels sympathy towards him. He just created like a whole conversation she had with her friends just now and felt the need to type it out. That's some next level shit right there

Yo this post read likes you're a crazy person and have a strong opinion of a device that you do not own.

If you really think that Nintendo has more interesting things coming out then maybe this isn't the right place for you? Cause another Mario kart, another donkey kong platformer, another smash brothers party game, ect. When the other consoles have titanfall, destiny, witcher 3, infamous, quantum break, whatever

In defense of esports, sports experts are really fucking dumb.

ugh, nerd

Hey bro, these are the things that you think and keep to yourself and then complain to your mom that no one likes you for you (and for good reason). While your comment is anonymous something tells me you've said this before, maybe when you were with one of these "sexy" girls or with your friends, but know this, they

Jesus Christ, you're the worst.

You had me going along with you entirely until you reached that Sony part cause I think it applies to pc gamers and Nintendo fanboys.

A lot of Internet commenters like to have an opinion on things they haven't played. Doesn't matter how wrong or stupid they look.

It's people like you who I appreciate because I can dismiss your opinion immediately.

I think it's rare where you'll find a game journo picking a side and being loyal to it cause it's really weird and kinda creepy. I'd stop worrying about what sides people are on unless we are talking about Arthur giese.

Luke likes good games.

Everyone needs to just come to an agreement and start having digital price matches or something cause I don't want to buy physical versions anymore! I'm in the process of convincing myself to rebuy battlefield 4 and nba 2k14 on my xbox one digitally so I can be like whatevs xbox play battlefield 4 instead of having to

Yup. I want this, but I don't 15 dollars want this.

probably higher. Wow, I never thought about it, but now that you mention it, it's quite possible that Tom Brady is in better shape than Francis. Hmph, you'd never notice it unless you were born with a functioning brain. Thanks for the heads up.