
You've been playing the "don't read articles before posting" beta.

And these comments can't be complete until some person with a hard-on for being counter cultural takes time out of their day to say how they aren't a fan of whatever the topic is being discussed.

You're giving the knockoffs WAY too much credit.

Haydar's gonna hayd.

Unless there's this game that'll make me go, "PS4, NOW", I won't be surprised if I won't get one until 2015. And by "game", I don't necessarily mean a AAA game; for instance, Elite Beat Agents is what pushed me to buy a DS, not any of the Marios / Zeldas. In the PS4's case, something as high profile as FFXV won't push

Well, that means I'm holding off my ps4 purchase as my ps3 backlog just got longer

I hate my Xbox so much right now..

"We ruined SimCity, the brand is now toxic in the gaming community. Let's let it rot!"

What's the treadmill for?

Fuck. Yes.

Just about every Zelda game before this one doled out items through the dungeons. You 1) went to a dungeon 2) found the item you needed to get through the dungeon in that dungeon 3) and then cleared the dungeon. With this new rental system, you're no longer getting items in dungeons, but you still need certain items

Rumor has it that in the Japanese version of X/Y the ghost girl says something so unsettling it has caused children to vomit uncontrollably for hours.

"he's 100% right. "

Sorry, in true tradition of Lost I will explain everything by the end of this sentence.

Personally, I want the next Fallout game. Now.

Hey guys, current owner of valiant-ent.tv here.