Shame there’s not a Pokémon sub blog you could post this to.
Shame there’s not a Pokémon sub blog you could post this to.
To be fair, Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle came out ~22 years ago, so Kotaku would’ve been really late to that party.
“Fantastic is some kind different”
Also thankfully, your comment is 100% irrelevant. Fuck off back to the Treehouse.
Hopefully he has better taste in games than you. Steel Battalion was some stupid gimmicky bullshit.
You lacking the manual dexterity necessary to properly feed yourself sounds like a “you” problem.
Sorry Floyd, having one of your friends help you write this response isn’t very impressive. Happy you’re making that extra effort to seem semi-literate though.
So just to be clear, you’re fucking stupid and have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about.
Wow. This is the face of utter retardation people.
30 years in the industry presumably makes you at least 45 years old. Why do you write like a five year old?
So just how gross does she have to look before it’s “too late”?
Because you see what you want to.
Holy shit. Envy of what?
Peter Molyneux is a fucking charlatan.
Sticking your thumb in your ass and humming really loud doesn’t count as “analysis”.
Now there’s a toolbag if ever there was one.
Are you legitimately retarded?
Kill: Lifehacker and their utterly retarded writers.
“you are a trolling turd.”
You should save a copy of your comment and give your kid a framed copy on his 18th birthday. He deserves to know what an utter piece of shit mommy was.