Damn it. You win :(
Damn it. You win :(
NO! I do not accept that viewpoint. Mine is correct. You are the gay!
ATTACK! I disparage your race and beliefs!!!
Completely agree. Blast Corps is awesome.
At 34 years old, I'm fairly certain I was there. PSO was a hard jab straight to my balls after playing Phantasy Star 1 - 4.
A lot of people already covered what needs to be said, so I just recommended the positives. Except for anything talking about PSO. It's a tragedy that those two series share names.
Damn. I guess I'll just wait for generation 8 or 9 then. If they think these things are acceptable 3rd of 4th generation devices, there's a flaw in the industry.
Aha. I knew there was a catch somewhere. I'll definitely keep my eye on these things though.
Portable suckness is on my valued feature list, so I think this might win.
Sounds pretty cool, but also strikes me as one of those things I should wait for the third or fourth generation of, to give them time to iron out the bull-crap.
Well damn, that sounds pretty sweet. Hand held PC gaming is extremely tempting, because android still hasn't quite wowed me yet.
What exactly are the differences between this and the Ouya? I haven't been following either all that closely, but what is the justification for the price difference?
That is pretty funny, now that I'm picturing it as well. That would be hilarious. :D
Any condescension you detected in that post is imagined. It wasn't a total loss if you hadn't ever played the first one, I guess. Still, a turd is a turd, even shiny ones.
Just wanted to clarify this a little. I am absolutely, 100% NOT talking about Phantasy Star Online. PSO was nothing but steaming turds, and an utter insult to what was one of the greatest rpg series of all time.
What I take away from all this is that there are three different versions of Sid Meier's Dinosaurs that he's hoarding from the rest of us. I want to play them.
Agree with title 100%. I'll keep Minecraft, you play this.
No, it in fact sucked pretty hard. With or without quotation marks, it was an abortion.