Crackdown was awesome, I loved that game. I have no idea what happened with 2. It's like they actively polled people for their favorite parts, and then removed them. Boring mess of a sequel, and a giant waste of potential.
Crackdown was awesome, I loved that game. I have no idea what happened with 2. It's like they actively polled people for their favorite parts, and then removed them. Boring mess of a sequel, and a giant waste of potential.
I was seriously going to criticize you for being so cynical, but I can't refute any of what you've said. Microsoft would bone that up pretty hard, wouldn't they?
I'd like to see them try. Seriously, please?
A new Phantasy Star announced for either next-gen console would make my decision making later this year a lot easier.
I just hope in doesn't suck balls like Crackdown 2
I think you might be stupid, unfortunately. It's not the greatest joke, but either an inability to read or complete ignorance of jrpg tropes has stymied your enjoyment of it, and for that, I'm sorry.
Because of a few of the assholes that post here? Yes, that is a problem with this place.
Hahaha! Damn, now I have to watch it.
God damn that's witty. I haven't thought about DN3D in a long time, guess I could dust it off for one more go 'round.
Actually, I have very little idea of your point, as I did not, nor did I ever plan to, watch the video in the first place. It's the terror of the unknown that gets me. Scariest. Video. Ever.
Holy crap, where did all that chest hair come from, you manly man?
Wow, subjective and incorrect! Don't see that too often!
Yes they are, by quite a margin.
Cloud Cakes knock the shit out of Twinkies and those disgusting Wal-Mart abortions. Clean the antifreeze off your tongue.
I can't hit the recommend button hard enough for this.
Have no fear! Knee-Jerk Defender is here!
Why is that horrid looking exclusive edition the only one where their eyes seem to be looking the same way?
'...gentleman named "Kool-Aid."'
We have that already. It was called Spaceballs.
Fair enough. You should probably know the character before you judge the character however.