I imagine more than a few twinkies were harmed in the making of that photo.
I imagine more than a few twinkies were harmed in the making of that photo.
True and true. I bow to the wisdom of that.
Does this stuff really still count as newsworthy? Do you have a quota? Unless he's on the roof with a sniper rifle and a rubber chicken, who gives a shit?
If they call it Soggy Noodles, I will rob banks to see it financed.
Can there be separate tags for useful Minecraft info, and useless shit like this?
No country has an entire generation of shut-ins. What the fuck kind of sci-fi world are you living in?
We have that all over the U.S., too. We televise it, and call it entertainment. It's pretty swell.
I think I'm on to a compromise. All I need is someone to wash and feed me while I play. Won't need clothes. I might need a lottery ticket for this.
Well, nothing cures paranoia like people all over the world talking about you.
This is fucking stupid. You think maybe there's a reason I'm on this site and not Takopop? Leave this garbage over there. A wall of nonsense about some dipshit and his imaginary girlfriend? No thank you.
You can "damn sure" say whatever you want, it doesn't stop it from being...
The manual for SMB2 was only printed in Japanese, as originally, that's the only country it was released in. Your manual from the American localization of Doki Doki Panic also says that Ostro is Birdo.
You got that reversed there, asshat. That would be like me saying Han shot first, because saying Greedo shot first would be completely incorrect.
That's certainly up to you. I was just pointing out that so-called nerd rage at something that you have completely incorrect is kind of stupid.
When that game came out, it was called Doki Doki Panic, and she was referred to as Lina.
You actually lose a little nerd credibility with things like that. You should focus that nerd rage a little better in the future.
A whale raped my mother.
Wish that worked in the US, we have the serial numbers on both halves. I could double my money.
You're a fucking dickbag.
Adam West's Batman was awesome as hell. Aquaman is a tepid turd, at best. What's your point?